Cloud Adoption
What is Cloud Adoption?
Cloud adoption is the act of moving traditional on-premises computing services or facilities to cloud-based or remote infrastructure. In most cases, it’s a gradual and complex process to ensure no downtime for the organization.
How does cloud adoption work?
Cloud adoption works by moving critical computing services, applications, and/or stored data to remote, cloud-based servers. These cloud-based servers can be private or shared, and are often a cost-effective way to manage compute power as a company grows. Once the data and apps are set up in the cloud, they are accessed through an internet-connected browser.
Who needs cloud adoption? Why?
Cloud adoption can be beneficial for companies or organizations of any size. For smaller companies, it represents a cost-effective way to manage growth or recession without the cost of on-premises, hardware-based computing. For larger companies, cloud adoption also provides scalability benefits, as well as zero-downtime security for organizations that store sensitive consumer data.
What are the advantages of cloud adoption? What are the challenges?
The advantages of cloud computing are many, and they affect nearly every major pillar of an organization.
• For the IT department, cloud adoption allows for constant software updates with little to no downtime, and robust security services that protect the sensitive data of both the organization and its customers.
• For the operations and procurement teams, cloud adoption represents significant cost savings as the services are most often pay-as-you-go and scalable as the company sees increased or decreased profits.
• For the management team, cloud adoption provides the framework for collaboration across locations and hardware, making any employee and a wide variety of hardware devices part of the team.
• For the marketing team, cloud adoption provides the ability to cost-effectively increase computing power, which can open doors of AI-driven marketing efforts that increase personalization for their consumers and improve the overall customer experience.
One of the challenges of cloud adoption is the culture of the business that is moving forward with cloud-based services. Cloud services, like many other products, provide benefits regardless of how they’re purchased. However, bulk purchasing of services provides cost and process benefits beyond the baseline. Since many cloud and Platform-as-a-Service products are priced based on usage, a company with multiple decision-makers can find themselves in trouble if they’re not coordinating the adoption, allocation, projecting, and transformation processes. Cloud adoption provides cost savings in almost every instance, except when there’s a lack of coordination that results in redundant spending that negatively offsets the cost benefits.
How HPE can help you in hybrid cloud adoption services?
In the event that your organization is not ready for full-scale cloud adoption, you have the choice to employ a hybrid cloud model that offers many of the benefits of cloud services without the all-or-nothing commitment. HPE GreenLake is a means of bringing the cloud to your company, at your own pace.
HPE GreenLake provides companies with the ability to modernize multigenerational IT for speed and flexibility. It brings scalability to all your traditional, cloud-native, and/or mission-critical workloads, no matter where they reside.
A hybrid cloud model mixes traditional on-premises infrastructure with private cloud services and public cloud services. This mixed-computing environment still presents many of the core befits of cloud adoption, and is the choice for organizations that prefer a gradual move from traditional architecture to cloud-based workflows. The hybrid cloud architecture provides orchestration, management, and application portability, as you would get from full cloud adoption.