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Memory","code":"1008537056"},{"name":"Intel Optane persistent memory for HPE Superdome Flex 280","code":"1012927324"},{"name":"HPE Cray DDR4 Memory Kit","code":"1013087396"}]},{"code":"1014765153","productList":[{"name":"Logiciel HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics","code":"1014765310"}]},{"code":"3693816","productList":[{"name":"HPE Renewal 4-Hour 24x7 Proactive Care Service 1 year LTW Aruba EDU/RETAIL","code":"1010157921"}]},{"code":"3446289","productList":[{"name":"Systèmes d\u0027alimentation sans interruption à ligne interactive monté sur rack/format tour HPE","code":"1010675979"},{"name":"Onduleur en ligne double conversion pour montage en rack HPE","code":"1011425543"},{"name":"Systèmes d\u0027alimentation sans interruption à ligne interactive format tour HPE","code":"1010675983"}]},{"code":"241434","productList":[{"name":"HPE ProLiant ML350 Gen11","code":"1014696172"},{"name":"HPE ProLiant ML30 Gen11","code":"1014788890"},{"name":"HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Plus v2","code":"1014673551"},{"name":"HPE ProLiant ML110 Gen11","code":"1014705725"},{"name":"HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen11","code":"1014826370"}]},{"code":"304616","productList":[{"name":"Stockage HPE MSA 2060","code":"1012748869"},{"name":"Stockage HPE MSA 2062","code":"1012748860"},{"name":"Système de sauvegarde sur disque amovible HPE RDX","code":"3741006"},{"name":"HPE Alletra Storage MP B10000","code":"1014727563"},{"name":"Stockage HPE MSA 1060","code":"1012748865"},{"name":"Stockage HPE MSA Gen7","code":"1014856412"},{"name":"Boîtiers pour disque HPE D3000","code":"6923837"},{"name":"Serveur HPE Alletra Storage 4140","code":"1014763472"},{"name":"Serveur HPE Alletra Storage 4120","code":"1014699422"},{"name":"HPE Alletra 9000","code":"1013540069"},{"name":"HPE Alletra Storage 5000","code":"1014656646"},{"name":"HPE Alletra Storage MP X10000","code":"1014847482"},{"name":"Systèmes HPE StoreOnce","code":"5196525"},{"name":"Serveur HPE Alletra Storage 4110","code":"1014699109"},{"name":"HPE Alletra Storage 6000","code":"1013540188"},{"name":"HPE GreenLake Block Storage for AWS","code":"1014837181"},{"name":"HPE 3PAR StoreServ 20000 Storage","code":"8295785"},{"name":"HPE 3PAR StoreServ 9000 Storage","code":"1009949091"},{"name":"HPE XP8 Storage","code":"1012138134"},{"name":"HPE StoreOnce VSA","code":"6608666"}]},{"code":"304618","productList":[{"name":"Logiciel HPE Storage SaNnav Management","code":"1011825969"},{"name":"HPE 3PAR Application Software Suite for Oracle","code":"5335616"},{"name":"HPE 3PAR Application Software Suite for VMware","code":"5335618"},{"name":"HPE 3PAR Data Optimization Software Suite","code":"5336306"},{"name":"HPE 3PAR Priority Optimization Software","code":"5386541"},{"name":"HPE 3PAR Security Software Suite","code":"5335614"},{"name":"HPE 3PAR Virtual Domains Software","code":"5044248"},{"name":"HPE 3PAR Virtual Lock Software","code":"5044698"},{"name":"HPE Command View for Tape Libraries","code":"438305"},{"name":"HPE 3PAR Peer Motion Software","code":"5157539"}]},{"code":"4080230","productList":[{"name":"HPE Data Management Framework 7","code":"1010144088"}]},{"code":"304612","productList":[{"name":"Automatisation de bande HPE StoreEver MSL (entrée de gamme)","code":"1011221564"},{"name":"Bibliothèque de bandes HPE StoreEver MSL6480","code":"5386549"},{"name":"Lecteurs de bandes HPE StoreEver LTO Ultrium","code":"4150338"},{"name":"Bibliothèque de bandes HPE StoreEver MSL3040","code":"1010366698"},{"name":"Bibliothèque de bandes Spectra Cube","code":"1014851148"},{"name":"HPE StoreEver MSL Tape Libraries","code":"3936307"},{"name":"HPE StoreEver Rack-mount Kits","code":"434185"}]},{"code":"449130","productList":[{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel (garantie à vie)","code":"7123098"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant support matériel, logiciel et collaboration (garantie à vie)","code":"7126775"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 support matériel, logiciel et collaboration (garantie à vie)","code":"7123335"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration (garantie à vie)","code":"7126747"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care NBD w CDMR SVC HW SW and Collab Supp 1year LTW","code":"1014767884"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel seulm. (garantie à vie)","code":"7179531"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal FoundationalCare CTR w CDMR SVC HW SW and Collab Supp 1year LTW","code":"1014767891"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123210"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW Support Only - 1 year","code":"1014783009"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 Service - HW Support Only - 5 year","code":"1014783018"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Basic Exchange Service HW Only","code":"1014545115"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Essential Exchange Service HW Only","code":"1014545124"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Basic Service HW Only","code":"1013475204"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Basic Service","code":"1013476034"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Basic Service HW Only","code":"1013468251"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Essential wCDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468402"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Essential wCDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013475195"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Critical wCDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468548"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Essential Service HW Only","code":"1013468559"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Critical Service HW Only","code":"1013590718"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Essential wDMR Service","code":"1013467951"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Essential wDMR Service","code":"1013467953"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Basic Service","code":"1013467958"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Basic Service","code":"1013467960"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Basic wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013475216"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Basic wCDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013475228"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Essential Service HW Only","code":"1013468556"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Essential wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468568"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Critical Service HW Only","code":"1013468532"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Critical wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468540"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Basic Service HW Only","code":"1013475207"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Basic wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013475219"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Essential wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013475186"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Essential Service","code":"1013476004"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel (garantie à vie)","code":"7123087"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Essential wCDMR Service","code":"1013476025"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Critical wCDMR Service","code":"1013475998"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 support matériel seulm. (garantie à vie)","code":"7179530"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel","code":"7122966"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel","code":"7122978"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 5 year Volume T1","code":"1014804289"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123214"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123218"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123222"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 5 year Volume T2","code":"1014804309"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123202"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Basic wDMR Service","code":"1013476037"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Essential Service","code":"1013476001"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Essential wDMR Service","code":"1013476010"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Critical wDMR Service","code":"1013475983"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Critical wCDMR Service","code":"1013475992"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Basic Service","code":"1013476031"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Basic wDMR Service","code":"1013476040"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Basic wCDMR Service","code":"1013476049"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Essential wDMR Service","code":"1013476013"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Essential wCDMR Service","code":"1013476022"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Critical Service","code":"1013475977"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Critical wDMR Service","code":"1013475986"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Critical wCDMR Service","code":"1013475995"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Basic wDMR Service","code":"1013476043"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Basic wCDMR Service","code":"1013476052"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Essential Service","code":"1013476007"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Essential wDMR Service","code":"1013476016"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Critical Service","code":"1013475980"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Critical wDMR Service","code":"1013475989"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel","code":"7122981"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel seulm.","code":"1009802265"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel","code":"7122984"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123226"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1009125455"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 support matériel seulm.","code":"7200584"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123230"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1009125357"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123234"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1009125406"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, 24x7 support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123183"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel seulm.","code":"1008830539"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel seulm.","code":"1008752921"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel","code":"7122957"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel","code":"7122969"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, jour ouvré suivant support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"6807745"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1008831532"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 24x7 support matériel seulm.","code":"7122514"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 24x7 support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"6807727"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1008885459"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, CTR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"6807736"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, CTR avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1008885471"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation 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seulm.","code":"1008830544"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel","code":"7122963"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel","code":"7122975"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, jour ouvré suivant support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123176"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1008831538"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, 24x7 support matériel seulm.","code":"7126035"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, 24x7 support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123187"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1008885467"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, CTR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123198"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, CTR avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1008831516"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel seulm.","code":"1009802262"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7186740"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1008885485"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1008981437"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1008885481"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1008981440"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1008885498"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care SBD SVC HW SW and Collab Supp 3 year (APJ/Japan only)","code":"1014766031"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care SBD Service - HW Support Only - 4 year (APJ/Japan only)","code":"1014877515"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care SBD SVC HW SW and Collab Support 4 year (APJ/Japan only)","code":"1014766034"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care SBD Service - HW Support Only - 5 year (APJ/Japan only)","code":"1014877518"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care SBD SVC HW SW and Collab Support 5 year (APJ/Japan only)","code":"1014766037"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, même jour ouvré support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1008953669"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, même jour ouvré support matériel seulm.","code":"7200615"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, même jour ouvré support matériel seulm.","code":"7200616"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Critical wCDMR Service","code":"1013590846"},{"name":"Service HPE serveur secteur industrie","code":"1130927"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, même jour ouvré support matériel seulm.","code":"7200617"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Basic wCDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468360"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Essential Service HW Only","code":"1013468381"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Basic wCDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468379"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 Service - HW Support Only - 3 year","code":"1014783012"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Essential wCDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468367"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Essential wCDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468385"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Critical Service HW Only","code":"1013468404"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Basic Service HW Only","code":"1013468392"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Essential Service HW Only","code":"1013468398"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Critical wCDMR Service HW 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(garantie à vie)","code":"7200636"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR support matériel seulm. (garantie à vie)","code":"7179532"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123206"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Basic wCDMR Service","code":"1013476046"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Essential wCDMR Service","code":"1013476019"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Critical Service","code":"1013475974"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration (garantie à vie)","code":"7126756"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour commutateur chassis ProCurve","code":"486442"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 24x7 support logicel seulm.","code":"7122655"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 support logicel seulm.","code":"7179537"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, 24x7 support logicel seulm.","code":"7164653"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Essential wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468365"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Essential Service","code":"1013467947"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Essential Service","code":"1013467949"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Basic wDMR Service","code":"1013467962"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Critical wDMR Service","code":"1013467942"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Critical Service","code":"1013590843"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Critical wDMR Service","code":"1014212251"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Critical Service","code":"1013467940"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Essential wCDMR Service","code":"1013467955"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Basic wCDMR Service","code":"1013467966"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support - 1 yea","code":"1014887735"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW Support Only 1 year","code":"1014805640"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support - 1 yea","code":"1014887738"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC - HW Support Only - 3 year","code":"1014887779"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC - HW and SW Support - 3 ye","code":"1014887741"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC - HW and SW Support - 3 ye","code":"1014887744"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC - HW Support Only - 5 year","code":"1014887782"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC - HW and SW Support - 5 ye","code":"1014887747"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC - HW and SW Support - 5 ye","code":"1014887750"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 1 year","code":"1014805604"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 1 year","code":"1014805606"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 3 year","code":"1014805608"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 Service SW Support Only - 1 year","code":"1014883697"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 Service SW Support Only - 5 year","code":"1014883703"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 Service SW Support Only - 3 year","code":"1014883700"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 3 year","code":"1014805610"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 5 year","code":"1014805596"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 5 year ED","code":"1014887594"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 5 year","code":"1014805598"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Critical wCDMR Service","code":"1013467944"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support - 1 year","code":"1014782803"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support - 1 year","code":"1014782806"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC - HW and SW Support - 3 year","code":"1014782809"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC - HW and SW Support - 3 year","code":"1014782812"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC - HW Support Only - 5 year","code":"1014782885"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC - HW and SW Support - 5 year","code":"1014782821"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC - HW and SW Support - 5 year","code":"1014782824"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 1 year Volume T1","code":"1014804277"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 1 year Volume T2","code":"1014804297"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 1 year Volume T1","code":"1014804279"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 1 year Volume T2","code":"1014804299"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 3 year Volume T1","code":"1014804281"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 3 year Volume T2","code":"1014804301"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 3 year Volume T1","code":"1014804283"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 3 year Volume T2","code":"1014804303"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 5 year Volume T1","code":"1014804291"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 5 year Volume T2","code":"1014804311"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite Service","code":"1014799493"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite Service","code":"1014799499"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite wDMR Service","code":"1014799505"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite wDMR Service","code":"1014799508"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite wCDMR Service","code":"1014799517"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Essential Service SW Only","code":"1013490444"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Essential Service SW Only","code":"1013490447"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Critical Service HW Only","code":"1013468369"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, CTR avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"6807739"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, CTR avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123283"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Critical wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468371"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Essential wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468383"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Basic Service HW Only","code":"1013468375"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Basic wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468377"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Critical wCDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468390"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Basic wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468253"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Essential Service SW Only","code":"1013490992"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Basic Service","code":"1013476028"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Basic wDMR Service","code":"1013467964"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Critical wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468388"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Basic wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468394"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Critical Service HW Only","code":"1013422387"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Essential wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468400"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Critical wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468538"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Critical wCDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013468546"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Essential Exchange Service HW Only","code":"1014545111"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Essential Exchange Service HW Only","code":"1014545118"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Basic Exchange Service HW Only","code":"1014545121"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Basic wCDMR Service HW Only","code":"1013590774"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Basic Service","code":"1014648030"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Basic wDMR Service","code":"1014648036"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Essential Service","code":"1014649630"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Essential wDMR Service","code":"1014649634"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Basic Service","code":"1014648033"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Basic wDMR Service","code":"1014648039"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Essential Service","code":"1014649632"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Essential wDMR Service","code":"1014649636"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Basic HW Service","code":"1014604880"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Basic wDMR HW Service","code":"1014604883"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Essential HW Service","code":"1014648164"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Essential HW Service","code":"1014648167"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Essential wDMR HW Service","code":"1014648892"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 1 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014777654"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 5 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014777669"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 VolT2 1 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014777400"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 VolT2 4 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014777410"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 3 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014777659"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 assistance technique","code":"1012541541"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, 24x7 assistance technique","code":"1012541133"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, 24x7 assistance technique","code":"1012541376"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration (garantie à vie)","code":"7126784"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care 24x7 w CDMR SVC HW Support Only - 1 year LTW","code":"1014683627"},{"name":"Service assistance technique HPE Aruba Networking 3 ans, 24x7 volume échelon 2","code":"1012540961"},{"name":"Service assistance technique HPE Aruba Networking 4 ans, 24x7 volume échelon 2","code":"1012541106"},{"name":"Service assistance technique HPE Aruba Networking 5 ans, 24x7 volume échelon 2","code":"1012541066"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Basic Exchange Service HW Only","code":"1013976849"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Basic Service SW Only","code":"1014082058"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Basic Service SW Only","code":"1014082052"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Essential HW Service (Japan Only)","code":"1013620940"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Basic HW Service (Japan Only)","code":"1014033743"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Basic wDMR HW Service (Japan Only)","code":"1014033746"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Basic wDMR HW Service (Japan Only)","code":"1014033749"},{"name":"HPE Digital Learner SMB Edition 1 Year Subscription Service","code":"1013467969"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 2","code":"1010800046"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1","code":"1010794728"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration (garantie à vie)","code":"7126736"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1","code":"1010794716"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1","code":"1010794719"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1","code":"1010796048"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1","code":"1010796057"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 2 (garantie à vie)","code":"1010800308"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 2","code":"1010799948"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 2","code":"1010800028"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 24x7 assistance technique","code":"1012541626"},{"name":"Service assistance technique HPE Aruba Networking 1 an, 24x7 volume échelon 2","code":"1012540678"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1","code":"1010796051"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 2","code":"1010799966"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 2","code":"1010800097"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1","code":"1010796054"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 2","code":"1010800229"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1","code":"1010796060"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, échange jour ouvré suivant support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 2","code":"1010800255"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 2","code":"1010799984"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange jour ouvré suivant HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1 (garantie à vie)","code":"1010794710"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1 (garantie à vie)","code":"1010794713"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, échange 4 heures support matériel et logiciel HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 2 (garantie à vie)","code":"1010800281"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Essential wDMR HW Service","code":"1014648896"},{"name":"HPE Service Credits 10 credits Service 1 year","code":"1013291375"},{"name":"HPE Service Credits 10 credits Service 3 year","code":"1013292178"},{"name":"HPE Service Credits 10 credits Service 4 year","code":"1013292180"},{"name":"HPE Service Credits 30 credits Service 1 year","code":"1013292184"},{"name":"HPE Service Credits 10 credits Service 5 year","code":"1013292182"},{"name":"HPE Service Credits 30 credits Service 3 year","code":"1013292186"},{"name":"HPE Service Credits 30 credits Service 5 year","code":"1013292190"},{"name":"HPE Service Credits 30 credits Service 4 year","code":"1013292188"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 support matériel seulm.","code":"7122492"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 support logicel seulm.HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1","code":"1010360425"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 24x7 support logicel seulm.HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1","code":"1010360428"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, 24x7 support logicel seulm.HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1","code":"1010360434"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, 24x7 support logicel seulm.HPE Aruba Networking volume échelon 1","code":"1010360431"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Basic Exchange Service HW Only","code":"1013976856"},{"name":"HPE 1Y PW Tech Care Essential Exchange Service HW Only","code":"1014545129"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Critical wDMR Service HW Only","code":"1014118599"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Basic HW Service","code":"1014604890"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, même jour ouvré support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123238"},{"name":"HPE Complete Storage Assistance Service","code":"1014782792"},{"name":"HPE Complete Storage Migration Service","code":"1014782800"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, même jour ouvré support matériel seulm. (garantie à vie)","code":"7179536"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, logiciel","code":"5235895"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, logiciel","code":"5236176"},{"name":"HPE Multiyear Education Training Credits SVC","code":"1014654659"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7122498"},{"name":"HPE 1Y Tech Care Essential Service SW Only","code":"1013495883"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Basic Service SW Only","code":"1014082055"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Basic wCDMR Service","code":"1013590835"},{"name":"HPE 2Y PW Tech Care Essential wCDMR Service","code":"1013590840"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Essential HW Service (Japan Only)","code":"1013620930"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Essential wDMR HW Service (Japan Only)","code":"1013620935"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Essential wDMR HW Service (Japan Only)","code":"1013620945"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Basic HW Service (Japan Only)","code":"1014033740"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 1 year Volume T2","code":"1014771312"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 4 year Volume T2","code":"1014771321"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 4 year Volume T1","code":"1014771293"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 5 year Volume T1","code":"1014771296"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 5 year Volume T2","code":"1014771330"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 3 year Volume T2","code":"1014771315"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 4 year Volume T1","code":"1014771290"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Airwave Installation and Startup Service","code":"1014779497"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Mobility Controller Installation and Startup Service","code":"1014779501"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 1 year Volume T1","code":"1014771278"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 1 year Volume T1","code":"1014771281"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 3 year Volume T1","code":"1014771284"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 3 year Volume T1","code":"1014771287"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 3 year Volume T2","code":"1014771318"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 4 year Volume T2","code":"1014771324"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 5 year Volume T2","code":"1014771327"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 5 year Volume T1","code":"1014771299"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Supp 1 year Volume T2","code":"1014771309"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Basic wDMR HW Service","code":"1014604893"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW Support Only - 1 year LTW","code":"1014783021"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Service HW - SW - and Collab Support - 1 year","code":"1014782910"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD w CDMR Service HW SW and Collab Support 1 year","code":"1014782913"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW - SW - and Collab Support - 1 year","code":"1014782916"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 w CDMR SVC HW - SW - and Collab Support - 1 year","code":"1014782919"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care CTR w CDMR Service HW - SW - and Collab Support - 1 year","code":"1014782925"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 3 year","code":"1014782928"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care NBD w CDMR Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 3 year","code":"1014782931"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 3 year","code":"1014782936"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care 24x7 w CDMR SVC - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 3 year","code":"1014782939"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care CTR w CDMR Service HW SW and Collab Support 3 year","code":"1014782945"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC - HW and SW Support - 4 year","code":"1014782815"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC - HW and SW Support - 4 year","code":"1014782818"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 4 year","code":"1014782948"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care NBD w CDMR Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 4 year","code":"1014782951"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care SBD SVC - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 4 year (APJ/Japan only)","code":"1014782904"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 4 year","code":"1014782956"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care 24x7 w CDMR SVC - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 4 year","code":"1014782959"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care CTR Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 4 year","code":"1014782962"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care CTR w CDMR Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 4 year","code":"1014782965"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD w CDMR Service HW SW and Collab Support 5 year","code":"1014782971"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care SBD SVC - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 5 year (APJ/Japan only)","code":"1014782907"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care CTR Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 5 year","code":"1014782982"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care CTR w CDMR Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 5 year","code":"1014782985"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support -1 year LTW","code":"1014782827"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support - 1year LTW","code":"1014782830"},{"name":"HPE Renewal Foundation Care NBD w CDMR SVC HW - SW - and Collab Supp - 1 year LTW","code":"1014782991"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care SBD Svc HW - SW - and Collab Supp - 1 year LTW","code":"1014782994"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW SW and CollabSupport 1year LTW","code":"1014782997"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care 24x7 wCDMR SVC HW SW and Collab Supp 1year LTW","code":"1014783000"},{"name":"HPE Renewal Foundation Care CTR Service HW - SW - and Collab Support - 1 year LTW","code":"1014783003"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care CTR w CDMR SVC HW SW and Collab Supp 1year LTW","code":"1014783006"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care CTR Service HW - SW - and Collab Support - 1 year","code":"1014782922"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care SBD SVC - HW - SW - and Collab Supp - 3 year (APJ/Japan only)","code":"1014782901"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care CTR Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 3 year","code":"1014782942"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 5 year","code":"1014782968"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Service - HW - SW - and Collab Support - 5 year","code":"1014782976"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 w CDMR SVC HW SW and Collab Support 5 year","code":"1014782979"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care NBD Service HW SW and Collab Support 1year LTW","code":"1014782988"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care 24x7 Service SW Support Only 1 year Aruba EDU/RETAIL","code":"1010157914"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care 24x7 Service SW Support Only 3 year Aruba EDU/RETAIL","code":"1010157915"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care 24x7 Service SW Support Only 4 year Aruba EDU/RETAIL","code":"1010157916"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care 24x7 Service SW Support Only 5 year Aruba EDU/RETAIL","code":"1010157917"},{"name":"HPE Implementation for Safeguard Linux Service","code":"5299664"},{"name":"HPE Installation pour commutateur réseau à châssis","code":"1014777724"},{"name":"Service HPE 5 ans, échange pièces seulement","code":"1011495040"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup Synergy Grow Config SVC","code":"1013490436"},{"name":"HPE Education Learning Credits SVC","code":"1013961174"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, même jour ouvré support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123242"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, même jour ouvré support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123246"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC - HW Support Only - 4 year","code":"1014782882"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 Service - HW Support Only - 4 year","code":"1014783015"},{"name":"HPE Complete Storage Integration Service","code":"1014782796"},{"name":"HPE ANW Post Warranty Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW Support Only 1 year","code":"1014782888"},{"name":"HPE StoreEver MSL3040 SplKt Upg Stup SVC","code":"1014718227"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour serveurs HPE ProLiant","code":"1011288079"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup J2000 Series Disk Enclosure SVC","code":"1013389544"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Service HW SW and Collab Support 1 year","code":"1014804598"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW Support Only 1 year","code":"1014804799"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW SW and Collab Support 1 year","code":"1014804603"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW Support Only 3 year","code":"1014805642"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Service HW SW and Collab Support 3 year","code":"1014804613"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW Support Only 3 year","code":"1014804790"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW SW and Collab Support 3 year","code":"1014804618"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Service HW SW and Collab Support 4 year","code":"1014804628"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW Support Only 4 year","code":"1014804793"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Service HW SW and Collab Support 5 year","code":"1014804748"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Volume T2 5 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014807056"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care CTR Service HW SW and Collab Support 3 year","code":"1014804623"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW Support Only 4 year","code":"1014805634"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 4 year","code":"1014805592"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 4 year","code":"1014805594"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW SW and Collab Support 4 year","code":"1014804738"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care CTR Service HW SW and Collab Support 4 year","code":"1014804743"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Volume T2 3 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014807050"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Volume T2 4 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014807053"},{"name":"HPE Renewal Foundation Care 24x7 wCDMR SVC HW SW and Collab Supp 1 year LTW","code":"1014802640"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Volume T2 1 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014807047"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 4 year Volume T1","code":"1014804285"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 4 year Volume T2","code":"1014804305"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 4 year Volume T1","code":"1014804287"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 4 year Volume T2","code":"1014804307"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW SW Supp 1 year LTW VolT1","code":"1014804293"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW SW Supp 1 year LTW VolT2","code":"1014801482"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW SW Supp 1 year LTW VolT1","code":"1014804295"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW SW Supp 1 year LTW VolT2","code":"1014801485"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 1 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014807060"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 3 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014807063"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 4 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014807066"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 5 Year Technical Support Service","code":"1014807069"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW Support Only 5 year","code":"1014805636"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW Support Only 5 year","code":"1014804796"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW SW and Collab Support 5 year","code":"1014804753"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care CTR Service HW SW and Collab Support 5 year","code":"1014804578"},{"name":"HPE ANW Post Warranty Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 1year","code":"1014805600"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care NBD Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 1 year LTW","code":"1014805616"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 1 year LTW","code":"1014805618"},{"name":"HPE Renewal Foundation Care NBD Service HW SW and Collab Support 1 year LTW","code":"1014804583"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal FoundationalCare 24x7 Service HW SW and Collab Support 1year LTW","code":"1014804588"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care CTR Service HW SW and Collab Support 1 year","code":"1014804608"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care 24x7 Service HW Support Only 1 year LTW","code":"1014803385"},{"name":"HPE ANW Post Warranty Foundational Care 4hr Exchange SVC HW and SW Support 1year","code":"1014805602"},{"name":"HPE ANW Renewal Foundational Care CTR Service HW SW and Collab Support 1year LTW","code":"1014804593"},{"name":"HPE Post Warranty Foundation Care NBD Exchange SVC HW Support Only 1 year","code":"1014805638"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Essential Service SW Only","code":"1014649672"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Essential Service SW Only","code":"1014649681"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 w CDMR SVC HW SW and Collab Support 1 year","code":"1014815514"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD w CDMR Service HW SW and Collab Support 3 year","code":"1014815452"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care CTR w CDMR Service HW SW and Collab Support 3 year","code":"1014815462"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care NBD w CDMR Service HW SW and Collab Support 4 year","code":"1014815467"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 w CDMR SVC HW SW and Collab Support 4 year","code":"1014815472"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care CTR w CDMR Service HW SW and Collab Support 4 year","code":"1014815477"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care 24x7 w CDMR SVC HW SW and Collab Support 5 year","code":"1014815487"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care CTR w CDMR Service HW SW and Collab Support 5 year","code":"1014815492"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care NBD w CDMR Service HW SW and Collab Support 1 year","code":"1014815509"},{"name":"HPE Foundation Care NBD w CDMR Service HW SW and Collab Support 5 year","code":"1014815482"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care CTR w CDMR Service HW SW and Collab Support 1 year","code":"1014815519"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 w CDMR SVC HW SW and Collab Support 3 year","code":"1014815457"},{"name":"HPE Compute Firmware Service","code":"1014837002"},{"name":"HPE Storage Firmware Service","code":"1014836996"},{"name":"HPE Renewal Foundation Care SBD SVC HW Support Only - 1 year LTW (APJ/Jpn only)","code":"1014831611"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care SBD SVC HW SW and Collab Supp 3 year EDU/R","code":"1014801501"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care SBD SVC HW SW and Collab Supp 4 year EDU/R","code":"1014801513"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care SBD SVC HW SW and Collab Supp 5 year EDU/R","code":"1014801525"},{"name":"HPE Proliant Remote Out of Office Hours Installation and Startup Service","code":"1014812299"},{"name":"HPE Proliant Remote Installation and Startup Service","code":"1014812296"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Service SW Support Only 1 year Volume T1","code":"1014832720"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Service SW Support Only 3 year Volume T1","code":"1014832727"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Service SW Support Only 4 year Volume T1","code":"1014832734"},{"name":"HPE ANW Foundational Care 24x7 Service SW Support Only 5 year Volume T1","code":"1014832741"},{"name":"HPE Performance Reporting Service","code":"1014831013"},{"name":"HPE Performance Analysis Service","code":"1014830991"},{"name":"HPE 5Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite wCDMR Service","code":"1014799523"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite Service","code":"1014799487"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite Service","code":"1014799490"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite Service","code":"1014799496"},{"name":"HPE 3Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite wDMR Service","code":"1014799502"},{"name":"HPE 6Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite wDMR Service","code":"1014799511"},{"name":"HPE 7Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite wDMR Service","code":"1014799514"},{"name":"HPE 4Y Tech Care Telco 24x7 Remote 9x5 Onsite wCDMR Service","code":"1014799520"},{"name":"HPE Storage FU Analysis Onsite Service","code":"1014859364"},{"name":"HPE HPC FU Analysis Onsite Service","code":"1014859367"},{"name":"HPE Network FU Analysis Onsite Service","code":"1014859361"},{"name":"HPE Data Sanitization Storage T2 NSH Service","code":"1014859342"},{"name":"HPE Compute FU Analysis Onsite Service","code":"1014859358"},{"name":"HPE Storage FU Implem Onsite Service","code":"1014859352"},{"name":"HPE Compute FU Implem Onsite Service","code":"1014859346"},{"name":"HPE Data Sanitization HPC T1 NSH Service","code":"1014859336"},{"name":"HPE Network FU Implem Onsite Service","code":"1014859349"},{"name":"HPE M-series with Cumulus NOS Startup Service","code":"1014829622"},{"name":"HPE Data Sanitization Storage T1 NSH Service","code":"1014859339"},{"name":"HPE HPC FU Implem Onsite Service","code":"1014859355"},{"name":"HPE ANW Post Warranty Foundational Care SBD SVC HW Supp Only 1year(APJ/Jpn only)","code":"1014831600"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"8586413"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"6807748"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123268"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, CTR avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123279"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123257"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123272"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7123261"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7170140"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7170136"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7170144"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 2 ans, 24x7 support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1010884514"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 2 ans, jour ouvré suivant support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"1010884513"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, 4 heures 24x7","code":"5234550"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, 4 heures 24x7","code":"6631297"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, CTR 6 heures 24x7","code":"6633016"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, jour ourvré suivant","code":"5236481"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, jour ourvré suivant","code":"6633336"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, échange jour ourvré suivant","code":"7770173"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, échange 4 heures 24x7","code":"7770177"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, jour ourvré suivant avec CDMR","code":"5417040"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, échange jour ourvré suivant","code":"7770174"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, échange 4 heures 24x7","code":"1009126470"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, jour ourvré suivant","code":"5236475"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, jour ourvré suivant avec CDMR","code":"5422120"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, 4 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"5415764"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, CTR 6 heures 24x7","code":"1008830487"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, CTR 6 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"1008830496"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, jour ourvré suivant","code":"5236478"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, 4 heures 24x7","code":"5234554"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, 4 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"5415167"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, CTR 6 heures 24x7","code":"1008830490"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, CTR 6 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"1008830499"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, échange jour ourvré suivant","code":"7770175"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, échange 4 heures 24x7","code":"7770178"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, jour ourvré suivant avec CDMR","code":"5417341"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, 4 heures 24x7","code":"5234558"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, 4 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"5415965"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, CTR 6 heures 24x7","code":"1008830493"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, CTR 6 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"1008830502"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, échange jour ourvré suivant","code":"7770181"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, échange 4 heures 24x7","code":"7770182"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, jour ourvré suivant avec CDMR","code":"6632289"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, 4 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"6636343"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Proactive Care 1 an, CTR 6 heures 24x7 (garantie à vie)","code":"8282867"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, CTR 6 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"1008830505"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, CTR 6 heures avec CDMR","code":"7296861"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, CTR 6 heures avec CDMR","code":"7296860"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, CTR 6 heures avec CDMR","code":"7296862"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, CTR 6 heures avec CDMR","code":"6647393"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, échange 4 heures 24x7","code":"7831743"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, CTR 6 heures","code":"5235295"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, CTR 6 heures","code":"5235314"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, CTR 6 heures","code":"5235318"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, jour ourvré suivant avec DMR","code":"5236590"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, 4 heures 24x7 avec DMR","code":"5234616"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 3 ans, CTR 6 heures avec DMR","code":"5235466"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, jour ourvré suivant avec DMR","code":"5236593"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, 4 heures 24x7 avec DMR","code":"5234620"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, CTR 6 heures avec DMR","code":"5235281"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, jour ourvré suivant avec DMR","code":"5236596"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, 4 heures 24x7 avec DMR","code":"5234717"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 5 ans, CTR 6 heures avec DMR","code":"5235285"},{"name":"Service HPE 5 ans, Support Plus pour serveurs","code":"5212988"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 24x7 avec DMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"6807733"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, CTR avec DMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"6807742"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec DMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"6807751"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, 24x7 avec DMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7170138"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec DMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7186738"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, CTR avec DMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7170142"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, 24x7 avec DMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7170139"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, CTR avec DMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7170143"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec DMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7170147"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 5 ans, jour ouvré suivant","code":"7499665"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 3 ans, jour ouvré suivant","code":"7499663"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 4 ans, 4 heures 24x7","code":"7495797"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 4 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR","code":"7495805"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 4 ans, CTR 6 heures","code":"7495798"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 5 ans, CTR 6 heures avec CDMR","code":"7495810"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 5 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR","code":"7495808"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 4 ans, 4 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"7495806"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 5 ans, CTR 6 heures","code":"7495800"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 4 ans, CTR 6 heures avec CDMR","code":"7495807"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 3 ans, 4 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"7495803"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 5 ans, 4 heures 24x7","code":"7495799"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 3 ans, CTR 6 heures avec CDMR","code":"7495804"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 4 ans, 4 heures 24x7 avec DMR","code":"7495815"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 4 ans, CTR 6 heures avec DMR","code":"7495816"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 4 ans, jour ouvré suivant","code":"7499664"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 5 ans, 4 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"7495809"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 3 ans, 4 heures 24x7 avec DMR","code":"7495812"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 3 ans, CTR 6 heures avec DMR","code":"7495813"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 3 ans, 4 heures 24x7","code":"7495794"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 5 ans, CTR 6 heures avec DMR","code":"7495819"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 5 ans, 4 heures 24x7 avec DMR","code":"7495818"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 3 ans, CTR 6 heures","code":"7495796"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 3 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec DMR","code":"7495811"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 4 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec DMR","code":"7495814"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 5 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec DMR","code":"7495817"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 3 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR","code":"7495802"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Proactive Care 1 an, échange 4 heures 24x7 (garantie à vie)","code":"7770180"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Proactive Care 1 an, échange jour ouvré suivant (garantie à vie)","code":"7770179"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Proactive Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant (garantie à vie)","code":"8252471"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Proactive Care 1 an, 4 heures 24x7 (garantie à vie)","code":"8251855"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 4 ans, CTR 6 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"1008830513"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 5 ans, CTR 6 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"1008830518"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 3 ans, CTR 6 heures 24x7 avec CDMR","code":"1008830508"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, 4 heures 24x7 (garantie à vie)","code":"6706380"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, jour ourvré suivant (garantie à vie)","code":"6698904"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, CTR 6 heures 24x7","code":"6707108"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Proactive Care 1 an, échange jour ouvré suivant (garantie à vie)","code":"1009697303"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, même jour ouvré avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration (garantie à vie)","code":"7123342"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, même jour ouvré support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7186743"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, même jour ouvré support matériel, logiciel et collaboration (garantie à vie)","code":"7186748"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, même jour ouvré avec CDMR support matériel, logiciel et collaboration","code":"7186744"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, jour ourvré suivant avec DMR","code":"6632423"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, 4 heures 24x7 avec DMR","code":"6636485"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Proactive Care 1 an, CTR 6 heures 24x7 avec DMR","code":"6647529"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7122520"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7125809"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7126043"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, CTR support matériel seulm.","code":"7122517"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, CTR support matériel seulm.","code":"7126039"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, CTR avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7126047"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, CTR avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7125813"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 support matériel et collaboration","code":"7122408"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant support matériel et collaboration","code":"7122438"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, jour ouvré suivant support matériel seulm.","code":"7200598"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7200605"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7200604"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7200603"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR support matériel et collaboration","code":"7122423"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, CTR avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7122523"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, CTR support matériel seulm.","code":"7125805"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, jour ouvré suivant support matériel seulm.","code":"7200599"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"1008981296"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR avec CDMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"8586855"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"7122403"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 2 ans, jour ouvré suivant support matériel et collaboration","code":"1010883186"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant avec DMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"1009677226"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 avec DMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"1009677064"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 2 ans, 24x7 support matériel et collaboration","code":"1010883192"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR avec DMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"1009677069"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 24x7 support matériel et collaboration","code":"6807699"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, CTR avec CDMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"7200592"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"7200586"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, CTR support matériel et collaboration","code":"6807708"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"7134601"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, jour ouvré suivant support matériel et collaboration","code":"7200601"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, CTR avec CDMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"6807711"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, jour ouvré suivant support matériel et collaboration","code":"6807717"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"1008982527"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, 24x7 support matériel et collaboration","code":"7200585"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, CTR support matériel et collaboration","code":"7200591"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"1008982539"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, CTR avec CDMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"7200593"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 4 ans, CTR support matériel et collaboration","code":"7200590"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, 24x7 support matériel et collaboration","code":"7134597"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"6807720"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"6807702"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR support matériel seulm.","code":"7200589"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, jour ouvré suivant support matériel seulm.","code":"7200597"},{"name":"Service HPE 3 ans, pièces et main-d\u0027œuvre plus assistance technique à distance avec DMR pour Cloudline","code":"1009704894"},{"name":"Service HPE 3 ans, pièces et main-d\u0027œuvre plus assistance technique à distance pour Cloudline","code":"1009687136"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant support matériel seulm.","code":"7200596"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant support matériel seulm.","code":"7122483"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR support matériel seulm.","code":"7122501"},{"name":"Service HPE de mise en service pour BladeSystem c7000 avec système d\u0027exploitation","code":"5402083"},{"name":"Service HPE 3 ans, pièces plus assistance technique à distance avec DMR pour Cloudline","code":"1009704897"},{"name":"Service HPE 3 ans, pièces et assistance technique à distance avec DMR pour HPE Cloudline","code":"1011182473"},{"name":"Service HPE 3 ans, pièces et main-d\u0027œuvre plus assistance technique à distance avec DMR pour Cloudline","code":"1011182476"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 24x7 avec DMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7122592"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, CTR avec DMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7122597"},{"name":"Service HPE serveurs Compaq","code":"1138081"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 2 ans, jour ouvré suivant support matériel seulm.","code":"1010883176"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 2 ans, 24x7 support matériel seulm.","code":"1010883179"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec DMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"1008982553"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, jour ouvré suivant avec DMR support matériel et collaboration","code":"6807723"},{"name":"Service HPE 3 ans, pièces et assistance technique à distance avec CDMR pour HPE Cloudline","code":"1011287412"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel seulm. (garantie à vie)","code":"7200637"},{"name":"Service de renouvellement HPE Foundation Care 1 an, CTR avec CDMR support matériel seulm. (garantie à vie)","code":"7179533"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"1009423549"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 24x7 avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"1009423531"},{"name":"Service après garantie HPE Foundation Care 1 an, jour ouvré suivant avec CDMR support matériel seulm.","code":"7122489"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care 4 ans, logiciel","code":"5237347"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 3 ans, 9x5 support logicel seulm.","code":"7179539"},{"name":"Service assistance technique HPE pour systèmes critiques (BCS)","code":"5098117"},{"name":"Service assistance technique HPE pour systèmes de stockage (SWD)","code":"5098121"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 4 ans, support logiciel","code":"7495833"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 5 ans, support logiciel","code":"7495834"},{"name":"Service HPE Proactive Care Advanced 3 ans, support logiciel","code":"7495835"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 1 an, 9x5 support logicel seulm.","code":"7179538"},{"name":"Service HPE Foundation Care 5 ans, 9x5 support logicel seulm.","code":"7179541"},{"name":"Service assistance technique HPE pour serveurs standard (ISS)","code":"5204968"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour châssis principal Synergy","code":"1008938028"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour lames ProLiant Server Blades","code":"1008979029"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour châssis supplémentaire Synergy","code":"1008983233"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour serveurs ProLiant hors heures regulières","code":"3952273"},{"code":"1010158042"},{"code":"1010158045"},{"code":"1010158041"},{"code":"1010158044"},{"code":"1010158043"},{"code":"1010158046"},{"code":"1010158047"},{"code":"1010158049"},{"code":"1010158048"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour systèmes de stockage (SWD) journée suppl.","code":"4269724"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour systèmes de stockage (SWD) demi-journée suppl.","code":"4279907"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour systèmes de stockage","code":"487411"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour ProLiant (service ajout options)","code":"3648632"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour commutateur empilable ProCurve","code":"486452"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour serveur ProLiant (par événement)","code":"486369"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour châssis de commutateur ProCurve","code":"487474"},{"name":"Service HPE de déinstallation simple - après heures ouvrés","code":"5284763"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour serveurs ProLiant (par événement)","code":"486475"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour serveur ProLiant hors heures régulières (par événement)","code":"3237659"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour ProLiant (service ajout options) hors heures régulières","code":"3807510"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour commutateur empilable HPE Networking Stackable Switch","code":"5057567"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027assainissement de données pour serveurs critiques (BCS) par événement","code":"7035264"},{"name":"Service HPE gestionnaire de programme et de project système calcul haute performance","code":"1010028869"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour serveurs ProLiant","code":"3867720"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour commutateur empilable HPE Networking Stackable Switch","code":"1010801673"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation pour systèmes de stockage","code":"3970727"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour Edgeline EL1000/4000","code":"1009543182"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour Apollo 40","code":"1010122351"},{"name":"Service HPE chargé de compte technique pour environnement de calcul haute performance","code":"1010028271"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour HPE SL1500","code":"5377643"},{"name":"Service HPE de mise en service pour disque HDD-SSD 3PAR 7000","code":"5338459"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027assainissement de données échelon 1","code":"5374970"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027assainissement de données échelon 2","code":"5374974"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour StoreEasy 1650 Expanded Storage","code":"1008755699"},{"name":"Service HPE de mise en service pour HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Base M (par événement)","code":"5411703"},{"name":"Service HPE de mise en service pour HPE StoreEver MSL6480 Expan M (par événement)","code":"5411706"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour infrastructure BladeSystem c-Class","code":"3211162"},{"name":"Service HPE de mise en 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d\u0027installation pour lames ProLiant Server","code":"486468"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour HPN Top of Rack","code":"1008607513"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour Apollo 6000 génération 10","code":"1010113126"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour Edgeline EL300","code":"1011288076"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour StoreOnce 3620 et 3640","code":"1011173507"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour StoreOnce 3620 et 3640 (service de mise à niveau de capacité)","code":"1011173508"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour Storage File Controller","code":"1011120987"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour BladeSystem c-Class Enhanced Network","code":"3211166"},{"name":"Service HPE d\u0027installation et de mise en service pour c3000 BladeSystem matériel et système 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Proliant Servers (per event)","code":"3308071"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup for VMware Vsphere Enterprise/Enterprise Plus","code":"4032631"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup for VMware Vsphere Essentials/Standard","code":"4032623"},{"name":"HPE BCS Firmware Updates Analysis Service 1 year","code":"5437856"},{"name":"HPE HPSD Firmware Updates Analysis Service 1 year","code":"5437852"},{"name":"HPE BCS Firmware Updates Implementation Service 1 year","code":"5437868"},{"name":"HPE ISS Firmware Updates Analysis Service 1 year","code":"5437860"},{"name":"HPE HPSD Firmware Updates Implementation Service 1 year","code":"5437864"},{"name":"HPE ISS Firmware Updates Implementation Service 1 year","code":"5437872"},{"name":"HPE Linux Implementation Service for 1 High Performance Computing Server Service","code":"1010028894"},{"name":"HPE HPN Firmware Updates Implementation Service 1 year","code":"5437880"},{"name":"HPE HPN Firmware Updates Analysis Service 1 year","code":"5437876"},{"name":"HPE Installation for Synergy Software Services","code":"1013098883"},{"name":"HPE Aruba Networking Advanced Remote Configuration SVC","code":"7690537"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup SimpliVity 380 for VMware Remote SW Service","code":"1010869007"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup SimpliVity 380 for VMware Onsite SW Service","code":"1010869011"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup SimpliVity 380 Update_Service","code":"1010869015"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup Hardware for 3PAR 9000 Service","code":"1010145428"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup for 3PAR SAP HANA Recovery Manager Central Service","code":"1009916036"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup Software for 3PAR 9000 Service","code":"1010145433"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup for 3PAR 9000 All Inclusive Single System Service","code":"1010145454"},{"name":"HPE Implementation 3PAR Remote Copy Lvl 2 Tier 2 SVC","code":"5338417"},{"name":"HPE Implementation 3PAR 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SVC","code":"4074957"},{"name":"HPE Implementation of SAN Solution Level 2 Tier 6 SVC","code":"4074960"},{"name":"HPE Implementation of SAN Solution Level 2 Tier 7 SVC","code":"4074963"},{"name":"HPE Implementation of SAN Solution Level 2 Tier 10 SVC","code":"4074936"},{"name":"HPE Implementation of SAN Solution Level 2 Tier 11 SVC","code":"4074939"},{"name":"HPE Implementation of SAN Solution Level 2 Tier 12 SVC","code":"4074942"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup 3PAR 8K All inclusive Sngle System Service","code":"1009868466"},{"name":"HPE Install and Startup 3PAR 8K MultiSys Peer Motion Peer Persistence Rem Copy Svc","code":"1009868470"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup Recovery Manager Central Exchange for 3PAR Service","code":"1010735225"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup 3PAR StoreOnce Recovery Manager Central SQL Service","code":"1008854450"},{"name":"HPE Installation and Startup StoreOnce RMC Oracle for 3PAR Service","code":"1009072480"},{"name":"HPE Installation 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HPE","code":"1014775966"},{"name":"Adaptateurs HPE Alletra","code":"1013539998"},{"name":"Adaptateurs Xilinx pour HPE","code":"1014805064"},{"name":"Adaptateurs HPE Apollo","code":"1013249537"},{"name":"Adaptateurs HPE Aruba Networking","code":"1014748151"},{"name":"Unité de traitement de données HPE","code":"1014784891"},{"name":"Adaptateur de bus hôte Fibre Channel HPE SN1700Q 64 Gb","code":"1014646985"},{"name":"HPE Ethernet 10Gb 2-port SFP+ X710-DA2 Adapter","code":"8307141"},{"name":"HPE Synergy 5830C 32Gb Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter","code":"1011306762"},{"name":"Marvell Adapters for HPE","code":"1014805060"},{"name":"HPE SN1610Q 32Gb Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter","code":"1012015128"},{"name":"HPE Synergy 5330C 32Gb Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter","code":"1011306766"},{"name":"HPE Synergy 6810C 25/50Gb Ethernet Adapter","code":"1010097644"},{"name":"HPE Ethernet 10Gb 2-port BCM57416 Adapter","code":"1010033433"},{"name":"HPE Ethernet 10Gb 2-port FLR-SFP+ BCM57414 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