HP-UX Software & Update Information

Operating Environment
and Application Matrix

HP-UX 11i v3 Availability Matrix

The availability matrix, which you’ll find in the URL below, provides the first HP-UX 11i v3 availability dates for various hardware and software products. The date a product first gets delivered on the application media kit is noted in the right-hand column for HP-UX 11i version 3 (11.31). This date allows someone to determine if a previously received media kit:
- has the software you need for a particular application or hardware
- whether you need to purchase a newer application media kit
This date will not change even if the product is released on future application releases.

The application media kit is available for customers who have an HP-UX Operating Environment (OE) media and need a later version of the application media to either get a new product that was not on an older media, or to get a later version of product than is on the customer’s existing application media kit.

This matrix does not reflect any web release information. It is only for software located on the application media kit.

# designates products not on Current Price List.
+ designates support only products.
* designates instant ignited products. Note: ignition only occurs for products ordered with hardware. Only products in the Base OE are shown for ignition, or the product is separately orderable with factory ignition. Other products may be ignited for higher OEs, but are not shown.

2024: Availability Matrix List

Note: v2 information has been removed. No longer orderable on media: (AR1009 last release). Some bits may still be released on the web (for v1 and v2). Go here to see the web releases.

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