Installing Windows server 2016 or Windows server 2019 on a RAID volume

With RAID boot volumes through Intel VROC available, additional drivers are required to properly install a Windows operating system. The following shows you the slight difference to introduce the F6 Drivers appropriate to use your BIOS created RAID volume as a system disk.

  • You have configured and enabled Intel VMD.

  • You have used Intel VROC and created the RAID volume.

  1. Click Load driver.
  2. Click Browse.
  3. Navigate to where you have the correct F6 driver stored. iaStorE drivers are for SATA and sSATA drives, and iaVROC are for NVMe drives (when attached to the Intel VMD controller).

    iaRNVMe is the driver designated for Intel platforms that do not support VMD technology.

  4. Highlight the selected driver, and click OK to install. It requires several minutes to complete installation of the selected driver.

    For guidance on enabling VMD for installation of Windows 10 RS5 and Windows server 2016 or Windows server 2019, see details in the release notes to prevent this step from timing out.

  5. After the driver is installed, the RAID Volume appears. Select the volume and proceed with your operating system installation for Windows. If the drive does not immediately appear, use the Refresh tool to rescan the system for the RAID volume and proceed.
  6. After installing the driver, the selection screen may be blank. Click Refresh to have the system rescan and show your RAID volume.
  7. Select the volume and click Next to proceed with the installation of your Windows operating system.