S2600BP BIOS Features

Intel® S2600BP BIOS hotkeys, passwords, and front panel lockout.

Hot Keys Supported During POST

The Intel® S2600BP BIOS-supported Hot Keys are recognized by the BIOS during the system boot-time POST process only. A Hot Key is recognized as an unprompted command input, where the operator is not prompted to press the Hot Key.

After the POST process has completed and handed off the system boot process to the OS, BIOS-supported Hot Keys are no longer recognized.

Table 1. Intel® S2600BP Boot-time POST Hot Keys
Hot Key CombinationFunction
<F2>Enter the BIOS Setup Utility
<F6>Pop-up BIOS Boot Menu
<F12>Network boot
<Esc>Switch from Logo Screen to Diagnostic Screen
<Pause>Stop POST temporarily

BIOS Security Features

The motherboard BIOS supports the following system security options designed to prevent unauthorized system access or tampering of server/node settings:
  • Password protection
  • Front panel lockout

The <F2> BIOS Setup Utility, accessed during POST, includes a Security tab with options to configure passwords and front panel lockout.

Figure: BIOS Setup Security Tab

Entering BIOS Setup

To enter the BIOS Setup Utility using a keyboard (or emulated keyboard), press the <F2> function key during boot time when the POST Diagnostic Screen is displayed. If using a USB keyboard, it is important to wait until the BIOS “discovers” the keyboard and beeps. Until the USB Controller has been initialized and the USB keyboard activated, key presses will not be read by the system.

When the Setup Utility is entered, the Main screen is displayed initially. However, in the event that a serious error occurs during POST, the system will enter the BIOS Setup Utility and display the Error Manager screen instead of the Main screen.

Typically, changing BIOS settings has been done primarily through the BIOS Setup utility. After navigating through the menu screen and making desired changes, <F10> is pressed to "Save and Exit" the utility. BIOS changes are saved and the system is rebooted to make all changes take effect.

Password Setup

The BIOS uses passwords to prevent unauthorized access to the server. Passwords can restrict entry to the BIOS Setup utility, restrict use of the Boot Device pop-up menu during POST, suppress automatic USB device reordering, and prevent unauthorized system power on. It is strongly recommended that an Administrator Password be set. A system with no Administrator password set allows anyone who has access to the server to change BIOS settings.

An Administrator password must be set in order to set the User password.

The maximum length of a password is 14 characters and can be made up of a combination of alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) characters and any of the following special characters:

! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) – _ + = ?

Passwords are case sensitive.

The Administrator and User passwords must be different from each other. An error message will be displayed and a different password must be entered if there is an attempt to enter the same password for both. The use of “Strong Passwords” is encouraged, but not required. In order to meet the criteria for a strong password, the password entered must be at least 8 characters in length, and must include at least one each of alphabetic, numeric, and special characters. If a weak password is entered, a warning message will be displayed, and the weak password will be accepted.

Once set, a password can be cleared by changing it to a null string. This requires the Administrator password, and must be done through BIOS Setup or other explicit means of changing the passwords. Clearing the Administrator password will also clear the User password. Passwords can also be cleared by using the Password Clear jumper on the motherboard. Resetting the BIOS configuration settings to default values (by any method) has no effect on the Administrator and User passwords.

As a security measure, if a User or Administrator enters an incorrect password three times in a row during the boot sequence, the system is placed into a halt state. A system reset is required to exit out of the halt state. This feature makes it more difficult to guess or break a password.

System Administrator Password Rights

When the correct Administrator password is entered when prompted, the user has the ability to perform the following actions:
  • Access the <F2> BIOS Setup Utility
  • Configure all BIOS setup options in the <F2> BIOS Setup Utility
  • Clear both the Administrator and User passwords
  • Access the <F6> Boot Menu during POST

If the Power On Password function is enabled in BIOS Setup, the BIOS will halt early in POST to request a password (Administrator or User) before continuing POST.

Authorized System User Password Rights and Restrictions

When the correct User password is entered, the user has the ability to perform the following:
  • Access the <F2> BIOS Setup Utility
  • View, but not change any BIOS Setup options in the <F2> BIOS Setup Utility
  • Modify System Time and Date in the BIOS Setup Utility
  • If the Power On Password function is enabled in BIOS Setup, the BIOS will halt early in POST to request a password (Administrator or User) before continuing Post

In addition to restricting access to most Setup fields to viewing only when a User password is entered, defining a User password imposes restrictions on booting the system. In order to simply boot in the defined boot order, no password is required. However, the F6 Boot pop-up menu prompts for a password, and can only be used with the Administrator password. Also, when a User password is defined, it suppresses the USB Reordering that occurs, if enabled, when a new USB boot device is attached to the system. A User is restricted from booting in anything other than the Boot Order defined in the Setup by an Administrator.

Front Panel Lockout

If enabled in BIOS setup, this option disables the following front panel features:
  • The OFF function of the Power button
  • System Reset button

If [Enabled], the power and reset buttons on the server front panel are locked, and they must be controlled via a system management interface.