S2600BP Component Locations

CS500 Intel® S2600BP motherboard components and connectors.

The CS500 Intel® S2600BP component locations and connectors are shown. The motherboard includes a status and ID LED for identifying system status.

Figure: Intel® S2600BP Motherboard Component Locations

Jumpers. The motherboard includes several jumper blocks that can be used to configure, protect, or recover specific features of the motherboard. These jumper blocks are shown in the default position in the above figure. Refer to S2600BP Configuration and Recovery Jumpers for details.

POST code LEDs. There are several diagnostic (POST code and beep) LEDs to assist in troubleshooting motherboard level issues.

Figure: Intel® S2600BP Motherboard Rear Connectors

Dedicated management port. This port with a separate IP address to access the BMC. It provides a port for monitoring, logging, recovery, and other maintenance functions independent of the main CPU, BIOS, and OS. The management port is active with or without the RMM4 Lite key installed. The dedicated management port and the two onboard NICs support a BMC embedded web server and GUI.

Dedicated management port/NIC LEDs. The link/activity LED (at the right of the connector) indicates network connection when on, and transmit/receive activity when blinking. The speed LED (at the left of the connector) indicates 10Gbps operation when green, 1Gbps operation when amber, and 100Mbps when off.

Table 1. Intel® S2600BP Motherboard NIC LEDs
LEDColorLED StateNIC State
LeftGreenOffLAN link not established
OnLAN link is established
BlinkingLAN transmit and receive activity
Right--Off100 Mbit/sec data rate is selected
AmberOn1 Gbit/sec data rate is selected.
GreenOn10 Gbit/sec data rate is selected

Status LED. This bicolor LED lights green (status) or amber (fault) to indicate the current health of the server. Green indicates normal or degraded operation. Amber indicates the hardware state and overrides the green status. The state detected by the BMC and other controllers are included in the Status LED state. When the server is powered down (transitions to the DC-off state or S5), the Integrated BMC is still on standby power and retains the sensor and front panel status LED state established prior to the power-down event.

The Status LED displays a steady Amber color for all Fatal Errors that are detected during processor initialization. A steady Amber LED indicates that an unrecoverable system failure condition has occurred.

A description of the Status LED states follows.

Table 2. Intel® S2600BP Status LEDs
Off - OffNot ready
  • System is powered off (AC and/or DC)
  • System is in Energy-using Product (EuP) Lot6 Off mode/regulation1
  • System is in S5 Soft-off state.
Green solid - Green solidOKIndicates the system is running (in S0 state) and status is healthy. There are no system errors.

AC power is present, the BMC has booted, and management is up and running. After a BMC reset with a chassis ID solid on, the BMC is booting Linux.
Control has been passed from BMC uboot to BMC Linux. Remains in this state for approximately 10-20 seconds.

Green blinking 1Hz - Green blinking 1HzDegraded: System is operating in a degraded state although still functional, or system is operating in a redundant state but with an impending failure warning.System degraded:
  • Power supply/fan redundancy loss
  • Fan warning or failure when the number of fully operational fans is less than minimum number needed to cool the system
  • Non-critical threshold crossed (temperature, voltage, power)
  • Power supply failure
  • Unable to use all installed memory
  • Correctable memory errors beyond threshold
  • Battery failure
  • Error during BMC operation
  • BMC watchdog has reset the BMC
  • Power Unit sensor offset for configuration error is asserted
  • HDD HSC is off-line or degraded
Amber solid - Amber solidCritical, non-recoverable - system is haltedFatal alarm: System has failed or shutdown
Amber blinking 1Hz - Amber blinking 1HzNon-critical: System is operating in a degraded state with an impending failure warning, although still functioning.Non-fatal alarm: System failure likely
  • Critical threshold crossed (temperature, voltage, power)
  • VRD Hot asserted
  • Minimum number of fans to cool the system not present or failed
  • Hard drive fault
  • Insufficient power from PSUs
1. The overall power consumption of the system is referred to as System Power States. There are a total of six different power states ranging from: S0 (the system is completely powered ON and fully operational), to S5 (the system is completely powered OFF), and the states (S1, S2, S3, and S4) referred to as sleeping states.

Chassis ID LED. This blue LED is used to visually identify a specific motherboard/server installed in the rack or among several racks of servers. The ID button on front of the server/node toggles the state of the chassis ID LED. There is no precedence or lock-out mechanism for the control sources. When a new request arrives, all previous requests are terminated. For example, if the chassis ID LED is blinking and the ID button is pressed, then the ID LED changes to solid on. If the button is pressed again with no intervening commands, the ID LED turns off.

Table 3. Intel® S2600BP ID LED
LED StateState
On solidThe LED has a solid On state when it is activated through the ID button. It remains lit until the button is pushed again or until an ipmitool chassis identify command is received to change the state of the LED.
Blink 1HzThe LED blinks after it is activated through a command.
OffOff. Pushing the ID button lights the ID LED.

BMC Boot/Reset Status LED Indicators. During the BMC boot or BMC reset process, the System Status and Chassis ID LEDs are used to indicate BMC boot process transitions and states. A BMC boot occurs when AC power is first applied to the system. A BMC reset occurs after a BMC firmware update, after receiving a BMC cold reset command, and upon a BMC watchdog initiated reset. These two LEDs define states during the BMC boot/reset process.

Table 4. Intel® S2600BP Motherboard Boot/Reset LEDs
BMC Boot/Reset StateChassis ID LEDStatus LEDCondition
BMC/Video memory test failedBlue solid Blue solidAmber solid Solid amberNon-recoverable condition. Contact Cray service for information on replacing the motherboard.
Both universal bootloader (u-Boot) images badBlue blinking Blue blinking 6HzAmber solidSolid amberNon-recoverable condition. Contact Cray service for information on replacing the motherboard.
BMC in u-BootBlue blinking Blue blinking 3HzGreen blinking Green blinking 1HzBlinking green indicates degraded state (no manageability), blinking blue indicates u-Boot is running but has not transferred control to BMC Linux. System remains in this state 6-8 seconds after BMC reset while it pulls the Linux image into Flash.
BMC booting LinuxBlue solid Blue solidGreen solid Green solidSolid green with solid blue after an AC cycle/BMC reset, indicates control passed from u-Boot to BMC Linux. Remains in this state for ~10-20 seconds.
End of BMC boot/reset process. Normal system operationOff OffGreen solid Green solidIndicates BMC Linux has booted and manageability functionality is up and running. Fault/Status LEDs operate normally.

Beep LED. The S2600BP does not have an audible beep code component. Instead, it uses a beep code LED that translates audible beep codes into visual light sequences. Prior to system video initialization, the BIOS uses these Beep_LED codes to inform users on error conditions. A user-visible beep code is followed by the POST Progress LEDs.

Table 5. Intel® S2600BP Beep LEDs
Beep_LED SequenceError MessagePOST Progress CodeDescription
1 blinkUSB device actionN/AShort LED blink whenever USB device is discovered in POST, or inserted or removed during runtime.
1 long blinkIntel TXT security violation0xAE, 0xAFSystem halted because Intel® Trusted Execution Technology detected a potential violation of system security.
3 blinksMemory errorMultipleSystem halted because a fatal error related to the memory was detected.
3 long blinks followed by 1CPU mismatch error0xE5, 0xE6System halted because a fatal error related to the CPU family/core/cache mismatch was detected.
The following “Beep_LED” Codes are lighted during BIOS Recovery.
2 blinksRecovery startedN/ARecovery boot has been initiated.
4 blinksRecovery failedN/ARecovery has failed. This typically happens so quickly after recovery is initiated that it lights like a 2-4 LED code.

The Integrated BMC may generate beep codes upon detection of failure conditions. Beep codes are translated into visual LED sequences each time the problem is discovered, such as on each power-up attempt, but are not lit continuously. Codes that are common across all Intel server boards and systems that use the same generation of chipset are listed in the following table. Each digit in the code is represented by a LED lit/off sequence of whose count is equal to the digit.

Table 6. Intel® S2600BP Beep LEDs
CodeAssociated SensorsReason for Beep LED lit
1-5-2-1No CPUs installed or first CPU socket is empty.

CPU1 socket is empty, or sockets are populated incorrectly.
CPU1 must be populated before CPU2.

1-5-2-4MSID MismatchMSID mismatch occurs if a processor is installed into a system board that has incompatible power capabilities.
1-5-4-2Power faultDC power unexpectedly lost (power good dropout) – Power unit sensors report power unit failure offset
1-5-4-4Power control fault (power good assertion timeout).Power good assertion timeout – Power unit sensors report soft power control failure offset
1-5-1-2VR Watchdog Timer sensor assertionVR controller DC power on sequence was not completed in time.
1-5-1-4Power Supply StatusThe system does not power on or unexpectedly powers off and a Power Supply Unit (PSU) is present that is an incompatible model with one or more other PSUs in the system.

POST Code Diagnostic LEDs

There are two rows of four POST code diagnostic LEDs (eight total) on the back edge of the motherboard. These LEDs are difficult to view through the back of the server/node chassis. During the system boot process, the BIOS executes a number of platform configuration processes, each of which is assigned a specific hex POST code number. As each configuration routine is started, the BIOS displays the given POST code to the POST code LEDs. To assist in troubleshooting a system hang during the POST process, the LEDs display the last POST event run before the hang.

During early POST, before system memory is available, serious errors that would prevent a system boot with data integrity cause a System Halt with a beep code and a memory error code to be displayed through the POST Code LEDs. Less fatal errors cause a POST Error Code to be generated as a major error. POST Error Codes are displayed in the BIOS Setup error manager screen and are logged in the system event log (SEL), which can be viewed with the selview utility. The BMC deactivates POST Code LEDs after POST is completed.