S2600WF Component Locations

CS500 Intel S2600WF motherboard components, jumper settings, BIOS password clear, and BIOS recovery.

The CS500 Intel S2600WFT board is shown below. Some features may not be present on the S2600WF0 and S2600WFQ boards.

Figure: CS500 S2600WF Motherboard

External I/O Connectors

Figure: CS500 S2600WF External I/O Connectors
RJ45 Connectors
Table 1. CS500 Intel S2600WF Motherboard RJ45 LEDs
LEDColorLED StateNIC State
Left GreenOffLAN link not established
OnLAN link is established
BlinkingLAN transmit and receive activity
RightAmberOn1 Gbit/sec data rate
GreenOn10 Gbit/sec data rate
Dedicated management port/NIC LEDs
This port is typically configured with a separate IP address to access the BMC. It provides a port for monitoring, logging, recovery, and other maintenance functions independent of the main CPU, BIOS, and OS. The management port is active with or without the RMM4 Lite key installed. The dedicated management port and the two onboard NICs support a BMC embedded web server and GUI.

Jumper Settings

Jumpers can be used to modify the operation of the motherboard. They can be used to configure, protect, or recover specific features of the motherboard. Jumpers create shorts between two pins to change the function of the connector. The location of each jumper block is shown in the figure. Pin 1 of each jumper block is identified by the arrowhead (▼) silk screened on the board next to the pin.

Figure: CS500 Intel S2600WF Motherboard Jumper Blocks
BIOS Default
This jumper resets BIOS options, configured using the <F2> BIOS Setup Utility, back to their original default factory settings. This jumper does not reset Administrator or User passwords. In order to reset passwords, the Password Clear jumper must be used.
  1. Move the “BIOS DFLT” jumper from pins 1 - 2 (default) to pins 2 - 3 (Set BIOS Defaults).
  2. Wait 5 seconds then move the jumper back to pins 1 – 2.
  3. During POST, access the <F2> BIOS Setup utility to configure and save desired BIOS options.
The system will automatically power on after AC is applied to the system. The system time and date may need to be reset. After resetting BIOS options using the BIOS Default jumper, the Error Manager Screen in the <F2> BIOS Setup Utility will display two errors: 0012-System RTC date/time not set and 5220-BIOS Settings reset to default settings.
Password Clear
This jumper causes both the User password and the Administrator password to be cleared if they were set. The operator should be aware that this creates a security gap until passwords have been installed again through the <F2> BIOS Setup utility. This is the only method by which the Administrator and User passwords can be cleared unconditionally. Other than this jumper, passwords can only be set or cleared by changing them explicitly in BIOS Setup or by similar means. No method of resetting BIOS configuration settings to de-fault values will affect either the Administrator or User passwords.
  1. Move the “Password Clear” jumper from pins 1 – 2 (default) to pins 2 – 3 (password clear position).
  2. Power up the server and access the <F2> BIOS Setup utility.
  3. Verify the password clear operation was successful by viewing the Error Manager screen. Two errors should be logged: 5221-Passwords cleared by jumper and 5224-Password clear jumper is set.
  4. Exit the BIOS Setup utility and power down the server. For safety, remove the AC power cords.
  5. Move the “Password Clear” jumper back to pins 1 - 2 (default).
  6. Power up the server.
  7. Boot into <F2> BIOS Setup immediately, go to the Security tab and set the Administrator and User passwords if you intend to use BIOS password protection.
BMC Force Update
The BMC Force Update jumper is used to put the BMC in Boot Recovery mode for a low-level update. It causes the BMC to abort its normal boot process and stay in the boot loader without executing any Linux code. This jumper should only be used if the BMC firmware has become corrupted and requires re-installation.
  1. Power down the system and remove the AC power cords. If the BMC FRC UPD jumper is moved with AC power applied to the system, the BMC will not operate properly.
  2. Move the “BMC FRC UPD” Jumper from pins 1 - 2 (default) to pins 2 - 3 (Force Update position).
  3. Boot the system into the EFI shell.
  4. Change directories to the folder containing the update files.
  5. Update the BMC firmware using the command:

    # FWPIAUPD -u -bin -ni -b -o -pia -if=usb filename.BIN

  6. After the update completes successfully, power down the system and remove the AC power cords.
  7. Move the “BMC FRC UPD” jumper back to pins 1-2 (default).
  8. Boot the system into the EFI shell.
  9. Change directories to the folder containing the update files.
  10. Re-install the board/system SDR data by running the FRUSDR utility.
  11. After the SDRs have been loaded, reboot the system.
BIOS Recover
When the BIOS Recovery jumper block is moved from its default pin position (pins 1–2), the system will boot using a backup BIOS image to the uEFI shell, where a standard BIOS update can be performed. See the BIOS update instructions that are included with System Update Package (SUP). This jumper is used when the system BIOS has become corrupted and is non-functional, requiring a new BIOS image to be loaded on to the motherboard.
Important: The BIOS Recovery jumper is ONLY used to reinstall a BIOS image in the event the BIOS has become corrupted. This jumper is NOT used when the BIOS is operating normally and you need to upgrade the BIOS from one version to another.
  1. Move the “BIOS Recovery” jumper from pins 1 – 2 (default) to pins 2 – 3 (BIOS Recovery position).
  2. Power down the system.
  3. The system will automatically boot to the EFI shell. Update the BIOS using the standard BIOS update instructions provided with the system update package.
  4. After the BIOS update has successfully completed, power off the system.
  5. Move the BIOS Recovery jumper back to pins 1 – 2 (default).
  6. Power on the system and access the <F2> BIOS Setup utility.
  7. Configure desired BIOS settings.
  8. Press the <F10> key to save and exit the utility.
Management Engine (ME) Firmware Force Update
When the ME Firmware Force Update jumper is moved from its default position, the ME is forced to operate in a reduced minimal operating capacity. This jumper should only be used if the ME firmware has gotten corrupted and requires re-installation.
  1. Power down the system and remove the AC power cords. If the ME FRC UPD jumper is moved with AC power applied to the system, the ME will not operate properly.
  2. Move the “ME FRC UPD” Jumper from pins 1 – 2 (default) to pins 2 – 3 (Force Update position).
  3. Boot to the EFI shell.
  4. Change directories to the folder containing the update files.
  5. Update the ME firmware using the command:

    # iflash32 /u /ni version_ME.cap

  6. When the update has completed successfully, power off the system.
  7. Move the “ME FRC UPD” jumper back to pins 1-2 (default).
  8. Power on the system.