Access options

You can configure the following settings in the Access Options section on the Access Settings page.

Idle Connection Timeout (minutes)

Specifies how long an iLO session can be inactive before it ends automatically.

The iLO web interface and the Remote Console track idle time separately because each connection is a separate session. This setting has no effect on a Remote Console session if a Virtual Media device is connected.

The following values are valid:

  • 15, 30, 60, or 120 minutes—The default value is 30 minutes.
  • Infinite—Inactive users are not logged out.

Failure to log out of iLO by browsing to a different site or closing the browser window results in an idle connection. The iLO firmware supports a finite number of connections. Misuse of the Infinite timeout option might make iLO inaccessible to other users. Idle connections are recycled after they expire.

This setting applies to local and directory users. Directory server timeout settings might pre-empt the iLO setting.

Changes to the setting might not take effect immediately in current user sessions, but will be enforced immediately in all new sessions.

iLO Functionality

Specifies whether iLO functionality is available.

When this setting is enabled (default), the iLO network is available and communications with operating system drivers are active.

When this setting is disabled, the iLO network and communications with operating system drivers are terminated.

To re-enable iLO functionality, use the UEFI System Utilities. For more information, see the UEFI System Utilities user guide.

iLO Web Interface

Specifies whether the iLO web interface can be used to communicate with iLO. This setting is enabled by default.

iLO ROM-Based Setup Utility

Enables or disables the iLO configuration options in the UEFI System Utilities.

When this setting is enabled (default), the iLO configuration options are available when you access the UEFI System Utilities.

When this setting is disabled, the iLO configuration options are not available when you access the UEFI System Utilities.

This setting cannot be enabled if option ROM prompting is disabled in the system BIOS.

Require Login for iLO RBSU

Determines whether a user credential prompt is displayed when a user accesses the iLO configuration options in the UEFI System Utilities.

When this setting is disabled (default), login is not required when a user accesses the iLO configuration options in the UEFI System Utilities.

When this setting is enabled, a login dialog box opens when a user accesses the iLO configuration options in the UEFI System Utilities.

This option is called Require user login and configuration privilege for iLO 5 Configuration in the UEFI System Utilities.

Show iLO IP during POST

Enables the display of the iLO network IP address during host server POST.

When this setting is enabled (default), the iLO IP address is displayed during POST.

When this setting is disabled, the iLO IP address is not displayed during POST.

Virtual Serial Port Log

Enables or disables logging of the Virtual Serial Port.

When this setting is enabled, Virtual Serial Port activity is logged to a 150-page circular buffer in the iLO memory. Use the CLI command vsp log to view the logged information. The Virtual Serial Port buffer size is 128 KB.

When this setting is disabled (default), Virtual Serial Port activity is not logged.

Anonymous Data

Controls the XML object iLO provides in response to an anonymous request for basic system information. When this setting is enabled (default), other software is allowed to discover and identify an iLO system on the network. To view the XML response that iLO provides, click View XML.

When this option is disabled, iLO responds to requests with an empty XML object.

When this option is enabled and the iLO health status is Degraded, the iLO health status and a description of the issue are displayed on the login page. The iLO health status is based on the combined results of the iLO diagnostic self-tests. Self-test failures that could compromise security are not displayed in the description.

Serial Command Line Interface Status

Enables you to change the login model of the CLI feature through the serial port. The following settings are valid:

  • Enabled-Authentication Required (default)—Enables access to the SMASH CLP command line from a terminal connected to the host serial port. Valid iLO user credentials are required.

  • Enabled-No Authentication—Enables access to the SMASH CLP command line from a terminal connected to the host serial port. iLO user credentials are not required.

  • Disabled—Disables access to the SMASH CLP command line from the host serial port. Use this option if you are planning to use physical serial devices.

Serial Command Line Interface Speed

Enables you to change the speed of the serial port for the CLI feature.

The following speeds (in bits per second) are valid:

  • 9600 (default)

  • 19200
  • 38400—The iLO configuration options in the UEFI System Utilities do not support this value.

  • 57600
  • 115200

The serial port configuration must be set to no parity, eight data bits, and one stop bit (N/8/1) for correct operation.

Set this value to match the serial port speed configured in the UEFI System Utilities.

Minimum Password Length

Specifies the minimum number of characters allowed when a user password is set or changed. The character length must be a value from 0 to 39 characters long. The default value is 8.

Server Name

Enables you to specify the host server name. You can assign this value manually, but it might be overwritten by the host software when the operating system loads.

  • You can enter a server name that is up to 49 bytes.

  • To force the browser to refresh and display the new value, save this setting, and then press F5.

Server FQDN/IP Address

Enables you to specify the server FQDN or IP address. You can assign this value manually, but it might be overwritten by the host software when the operating system loads.

  • You can enter an FQDN or IP address that is up to 255 bytes.

  • To force the browser to refresh and display the new value, save this setting, and then press F5.

Authentication Failure Logging

Enables you to configure logging criteria for failed authentications. The following settings are valid:

  • Enabled-Every Failure—A failed login log entry is recorded after every failed login attempt.

  • Enabled-Every 2nd Failure—A failed login log entry is recorded after every second failed login attempt.

  • Enabled-Every 3rd Failure (default)—A failed login log entry is recorded after every third failed login attempt.

  • Enabled-Every 5th Failure—A failed login log entry is recorded after every fifth failed login attempt.

  • Disabled—No failed login log entry is recorded.

Authentication Failure Delay Time

Enables you to configure the duration of the iLO login delay after a failed login attempt. The following values are valid: 2, 5, 10, and 30 seconds.

The default value is 10 seconds.

Authentication Failures Before Delay

Enables you to configure the number of failed login attempts that are allowed before iLO imposes a login delay. The following values are valid: 1, 3, 5, or every failed login attempt.

The default setting is 1, which means that a login delay is not imposed until the second failed login attempt.