.NET IRC requirements

Microsoft .NET Framework

The .NET IRC requires version 4.5.1 or later of the .NET Framework.

For Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10, a supported version of the .NET Framework is included in the operating system. The .NET Framework is also available at the Microsoft Download Center: http://www.microsoft.com/download.

For Internet Explorer users only: The iLO Integrated Remote Console page indicates whether a supported version of the .NET Framework is installed. This information is not displayed if Internet Explorer is configured to hide the user agent string.

The Microsoft Edge browser does not display information about the installed .NET Framework version.

Microsoft ClickOnce

The .NET IRC is launched using Microsoft ClickOnce, which is part of the .NET Framework. ClickOnce requires that any application installed from an SSL connection must be from a trusted source. If a browser is not configured to trust an iLO system, and the IRC requires a trusted certificate in iLO setting is set to Enabled, ClickOnce displays the following error message:

Cannot Start Application - Application download did not succeed...

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox do not support the .NET IRC because they do not support a ClickOnce extension to launch .NET applications. As a workaround, choose a different Remote Console, or use a different browser.