iLO IP address acquisition
To enable
iLO access after it is connected to the network, the
iLO management processor must acquire an IP address and subnet mask. You can use a dynamic address or a static address.
- Dynamic IP address
A dynamic IP address is set by default. iLO obtains the IP address and subnet mask from DNS or DHCP servers. This method is the simplest.
If you use DHCP:
The iLO management port must be connected to a network that is connected to a DHCP server, and iLO must be on the network before power is applied. DHCP sends a request soon after power is applied. If the DHCP request is not answered when iLO first boots, it will reissue the request at 90-second intervals.
The DHCP server must be configured to provide DNS and WINS name resolution.
- Static IP address
If you plan to use a static IP address, you must have the IP address before starting the iLO setup process.