Password guidelines

Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends that you follow these password guidelines when you create and update user accounts.

  • When working with passwords:

    • Do not write down or record passwords.

    • Do not share passwords with others.

    • Do not use passwords that are made up of words found in a dictionary.

    • Do not use passwords that contain obvious words. Examples include the company name, product name, user name, or login name.

    • Change passwords regularly.

    • Keep the iLO default credentials in a safe place.

  • Use strong passwords with at least three of the following characteristics:

    • At least one uppercase ASCII character

    • At least one lowercase ASCII character

    • At least one ASCII digit

    • At least one other type of character (for example, a symbol, special character, or punctuation).

  • The minimum length for a user account password is set on the Access Settings page. Depending on the configured Minimum Password Length value, the password can have a minimum of zero characters (no password) and a maximum of 39 characters. Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using a Minimum Password Length of eight or more characters. The default value is eight characters.


    Do not set the Minimum Password Length to fewer than eight characters unless you have a physically secure management network that does not extend outside the secure data center.