HTML5 remote console controls

The following controls are available at the top of the remote console window (from left to right). A tooltip description is provided when you move the cursor over a control icon.

Virtual Keyboard

This icon enables you to do the following:

  • Access the following keyboard shortcut that you can send to the remote server: CTRL+ALT+DEL.

  • Access the following remote console virtual keys:

    • CTRL—Control

    • ESC—Escape

    • CAPS—CapsLock

    • NUM—NumLock

    • L OS—Left OS-specific key

    • L ALT—Left ALT key

    • R ALT—Right ALT key

    • R OS—Right OS-specific key

  • View or change the HTML5 remote console keyboard layout.

Virtual Media

This icon provides access to the virtual media feature.

Close Remote Console

This icon disconnects the remote console session.

Remote console display and mode controls

Use the following controls to change the display of the remote console or to switch to a different viewing mode.

The available controls vary, depending on the active console mode. If a control is not supported in the active console mode, then it is not displayed.

Maximize and Restore

The Maximize icon maximizes the remote console window within the browser window.

The Restore icon resets the window to its previous size.

These features are available in windowed mode.

Switch to full screen

This feature is available in all modes.

Docked mode

This icon enables you to change from windowed mode to docked mode.

This feature is available in windowed mode.

Exit full screen

This icon enables you to exit full screen mode and return to the previously selected mode.

You can also press Esc to exit full screen mode.

Windowed mode

This icon enables you to change from docked mode to a secondary window.

This feature is available in docked mode.

Pin icon

This icon enables you to pin or unpin the toolbar at the top of the screen. This setting persists for the current remote console session.

This feature is available in full screen mode.