iLO remote console

The iLO remote console can be used to remotely access the graphical display, keyboard, and mouse of the host server. The remote console provides access to the remote file system and network drives.

With remote console access, you can observe POST messages as the server starts, and initiate ROM-based setup activities to configure the server hardware. When you install an OS remotely, the remote console enables you to view and control the host server monitor throughout the installation process.

Remote console usage considerations

  • The integrated remote console is suitable for high-latency (modem) connections.

  • Do not run the integrated remote console from its host operating system on the same server.

  • When you log into a server through the remote console, Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends that you log out before closing the console.

  • When you finish using the remote console, close the window or click the browser Close button (X) to exit.

  • The UID LED flashes when a remote console session is active.

  • The Idle Connection Timeout specifies how long a user can be inactive before a remote console session ends automatically. This value does not affect remote console sessions when a virtual media device is connected.

  • When the mouse is positioned over the remote console window, the console captures all keystrokes, regardless of whether the console window has focus.

  • You can enable and disable the Remote Console feature on the Access Settings page.

  • When you use the HTML5 remote console in standalone mode or new window mode, the remote console initially runs in an iLO web UI session. When remote console video starts, a dedicated remote console session starts. If the web UI session ends, your connection to the HTML5 console ends and you must reconnect to the remote console.