Viewing software information


To display a complete set of data on this page, AMS must be installed.

  1. Click Firmware & OS Software in the navigation tree, and then click the Software tab.
  2. (Optional) To update the software information data, click .

    The information on this page is cached in the browser, and iLO displays the date and time of the last update. If 5 minutes or more have passed since the page was updated, click to update the page with the latest information.

  3. (Optional) To sort by a table column, click the column heading.

    To change the sort order to ascending or descending, click the column heading again or click the arrow icon next to the column heading.

  • Name—The name of the software.

  • Version—The software version.

    The versions of the displayed firmware components indicate the firmware versions available in the firmware flash components that are saved on the local operating system. The displayed version might not match the firmware running on the server.

  • Description—A description of the software.

Running Software details

This section lists all the software that is running or available to run on the managed server.

  • Name—The name of the software.

  • Path—The file path of the software.

Installed Software details

The Installed Software list displays the name of each installed software program.