EU REACH Declarations

REACH is a European Union (EU) chemicals regulation that has entered into force on June 1, 2007, with phased deadlines to 2018. The aim of REACH is to improve the protection of human health and the environment, and enhance the competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry.

REACH replaces existing EU chemical legislation with a single system for all chemical substances, both "new" and "existing" (also called "phase-in"). It gives greater responsibility to industry to assess the properties of chemicals, manage the health and environment risks, and communicate information to suppliers and users. REACH also calls for progressive substitution of the most dangerous substances when suitable alternatives have been identified.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise supports the overall REACH objective of improving the protection of human health and the environment. HPE's policy is to provide products and services that are safe to use and environmentally sound throughout their lifecycle. HPE will meet all REACH requirements and is committed to providing our customers with information about the chemicals in our products as needed to comply with REACH. HPE is working with industry and government to achieve a workable system that fulfills the goals of REACH and with our suppliers to ensure that HPE products comply with REACH. See our HPE Position Statement.

Article 33: Communication of Information on Substances in Articles

Article 33 requires that HPE provide declarations to our customers about substances in products that are included in the REACH Candidate List (CL). The Candidate List is available on the ECHA website.