Affinity clustering

Affinity Clustering is a powerful technique that assists teams in sorting and organizing complex and diverse data. By revealing thematic or high-level associations within the information, it helps in identifying areas that may have been overlooked or neglected. This method is especially beneficial for organizing intricate data collectively, subsequently creating a more comprehensive model. Once this integrated model is developed, it can be utilized as a foundation for further exploration and deeper understanding. Hence, Affinity Clustering is a valuable tool for transforming unstructured information into actionable insights, enhancing the overall decision-making process.

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How to use
  • Gather data, research findings, or brainstormed ideas. 
  • Write each data point or idea on a separate sticky note. 
  • Spread out the sticky notes on a large board or wall. 
  • As a group, begin to cluster the sticky notes based on natural relationships or common themes. 
  • Once clusters form, discuss and label each cluster according to its common theme. 
  • Organizes complex and unstructured information. 
  • Encourages discussion and consensus-building. 
  • Helps identify patterns and themes. 
  • Generate as many data points as possible before beginning the clustering process. 
  • Do not force clusters; allow them to form naturally. 
  • Make sure everyone in the group agrees on the clusters and their labels. 
  • Follow up methods: Importance/Difficulty Matrix, Creative Matrix. 

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