Rose, thorn, bud

The simplest and most common method. Classify information into three useful categories: what’s working, what isn’t and what has potential. 
Roses are comments represented with a red sticky note which points to elements which are positive. Thorns are comments written on yellow stickies that point to elements which are negative; and Buds are comments and observations on elements that have potential.

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How to use
  • Select a project, artefact, or topic to be analysed 
  • Bring together all participants and stakeholders  
  • Give participants required materials: 

            - Pen and three sticky note pads 

            - See template for remote session 

  • Explain the topic of discussion 
  • Explain the RTB color keys: 

            - Pink - Roses (Positive observations) 

            - Blue - Thorns (Negative observations) 

            - Green - Buds (Observations with potential)

  • Have participants generate many data points 
  • Tag project with user’s observations 
  • Classify complex information into easy-to-understand categories.  
  • Can be used at any point in a project.  
  • Great for independent work and group settings
  • Limit the time of the session 
  • Make visible color key for participants 
  • Do not focus on solution-seeking at this stage 
  • Follow up methods: Affinity Clustering and Importance/Difficulty Matrix 

Recipes that use this method

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