Climate Targets

  • Net-zero
    emissions across our entire value chain by 2040
  • 70%
    reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from 2020-2030
  • 42%
    reduction in Scope 3 emissions from 2020-2030

Our commitments to a low-carbon economy

HPE is one of the first companies to set Science Based Targets initiative-approved greenhouse gas reduction targets across our value chain aligned with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C trajectory. As part of the HPE Living Progress strategy, we have set forth a path, aiming to reach net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our value chain by 2040. Our roadmap outlines the actions needed to transform our business and to empower our suppliers and customers to do the same.

Several key themes will continue to drive our progress forward:

  • Partnering with customers, suppliers, and providers to achieve progress against climate roadmaps.
  • Supporting policies and coalitions to accelerate clean energy markets.
  • Building infrastructure across the value chain to measure and track performance.
  • Transforming our offerings and business models to reduce the impact of HPE solutions and decouple business growth from emissions.

Transitioning to a low-carbon economy

We're committed to conducting business in a manner that delivers leading environmental, health, and safety performance while helping minimize our negative impact on the planet.

Addressing climate risk

In 2018, HPE became one of the first IT companies to align its external reporting with recommendations set forth by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to better understand the environmental and financial opportunities of enhancing our current climate strategies and how resilient these strategies are over the short, medium, and long term.

Environmental policies

HPE’s company-wide environmental policies help guide our business decisions to ensure that we maintain resilient operations while helping minimize our negative impact on the planet. As a technology company, HPE views climate change not only as a moral imperative but also as a business opportunity to innovate technologies that help our customers thrive in a resource-constrained world.

Our climate policy touches all areas of our organization and is critical to our business. HPE’s climate strategy encompasses three main tenets:

  • basing action on our data;
  • establishing ambitious goals that align with climate science; and
  • implementing a hierarchy of climate-related investments to meet our stated goal.

Environmental reporting

HPE takes a data-driven approach to focus our efforts on initiatives that will have the most significant impact on mitigating climate change.

Learn more about Living Progress