A woman's place is in the boardroom at HPE
HPE Chief Talent Officer reflects on company's work in advancing gender equality in boardrooms and industry-wide
- HPE is honored by the Women’s Forum of New York at the Breakfast for Champions for their work in turning the dial on gender parity in boardrooms.
- HPE Chief Talent Officer Alessandra Ginante discusses the importance of gender equality, especially in boardrooms, and the HPE programs supporting this mission.
I’m proud that HPE is a leader in tech in the diversity of our people, including our Board of Directors − one of the most diverse in the industry. That goes hand in hand with our focus on building an inclusive culture more broadly at HPE. With regard to gender diversity, the company works hard through innovative programs like Women Empowered in Global Operations (WeGO), Incredible You, and Tech Women to help promote opportunities for women in an industry that is not well known for gender diversity.
Straight to the Top
One of the exciting ways we’re making inclusion a priority is through our innovative “Ready Now!” program. The brainchild of HPE Director Maggie Wilderotter, the program is designed to help female HPE executives seek out and obtain seats on corporate boards of directors.
Ready Now! is working with 14 of HPE’s most senior female leaders who have not before served on a corporate board. The program recently held a two-day off-site retreat of intensive coaching and education about the role of a Board of Directors, how they operate, and how to pursue opportunities to serve. Antonio Neri, Alan May, HPE Board Members Maggie Wilderotter and Ann Livermore, and others gave us invaluable perspective and guidance that I know will help these leaders succeed.
Why Ready Now!?
Corporate boards, in every industry, are dominated by men. Just 16.9 percent of corporate board seats worldwide were held by women as of last year. That means that the leadership of most large companies in the world lack the diversity of thought and experience and perspective that gender balance brings.
Corporate boards, in every industry, are dominated by men
Five of HPE’s 13 Board seats are held by women, including Board Chair Pat Russo. While we know we have more work to do to truly ensure equity in the workplace, we know from experience that gender diversity in the boardroom enables companies to deliver superior performance and shareholder value. As Antonio says, “You cannot have innovation if everyone around you looks and thinks the same.”
ReadyNow! is about more than just advancing the careers of female leaders. By helping these talented executives find seats on corporate boards outside our company, we are helping move the needle on gender diversity in Corporate America and bringing our inclusive, innovative culture to others. And our efforts are getting noticed. On Nov. 7, HPE was recognized by the Women’s Forum of New York for the company’s gender diversity on its Board of Directors at the Forum’s “Breakfast of Champions” event in New York.
…we truly believe that a diverse company is a stronger company
HPE supports and actively fights for a more equitable and diverse workplace because we truly believe that a diverse company is a stronger company. Our team members come from all sorts of backgrounds and those unique experiences have enabled us to innovate like never before and dare to think differently.
I’m honored, as I’m sure my colleagues are, to be recognized by the Women’s Forum of New York and consider it just the beginning of my work towards moving the needle on gender diversity in our industry and for women from all walks of life.