Our plan for a sustainable future


HPE Living Progress report details investments in people, the environment, and ethics

In this article

  • One of the most powerful ways we can contribute is by empowering our customers to achieve more with less as they disrupt their own industry verticals—whether that be home delivery, smart factory production, or researching cures for disease
  • Delivering our entire portfolio as-a-service is just one way HPE is helping our customers accelerate business innovation
  • As-a-service models represent a leap toward circular IT and a shift toward supplier responsibility

As we continue to feel the effects of a global pandemic, the resulting economic downturn, and imminent threats from our ongoing environmental crisis, we are increasingly becoming aware of the interconnectedness of people, planet and profit.

We no longer have the luxury of time on our side and every single one of us has a role to play in helping to guide our global society toward a sustainable future. Organizations like ours are not exempt from this responsibility; if anything, technology companies like HPE have the power to accelerate positive outcomes, not just for ourselves, but also for our customers and communities.

Fortunately, in today’s world, we have access to unlimited data. Buried in this data, answers to some of the world’s most pressing social and environmental challenges may reside untapped.  We believe that efficient and advanced computing solutions are the key to unlocking the value of this data, and HPE works closely with our customers and partners to unlock this potential.  Many of the ways we are doing this are detailed in our most recent Living Progress Report, released earlier today. 

Every[one] has a role to play in helping to guide our global society toward a sustainable future

Delivering more with less

As global demand for connectivity and compute power increases, accelerated by the shift for us to adapt to a COVID-19 world, we see an opportunity to respond to this growing demand by delivering more efficient and sustainable products that will enable our customers to accelerate their digital transformations.

One of the most powerful ways we can contribute is by empowering our customers to achieve more with less as they disrupt their own industry verticals—whether that be home delivery, smart factory production, or researching cures for disease. We plan to achieve this is by becoming the world’s leading edge-to-cloud platform-as-a-service company by 2022.

Transforming into an as-a-service company will not only enable our customers with the insights, flexibility, and control to accelerate their own transformations; but will enable them to do so sustainably through a model that optimizes operations and funds future innovation.  As-a-service models represent a leap toward circular IT, and a shift toward supplier responsibility, whereby wasted infrastructure and processing capacity is eliminated and manufacturers maintain custody over equipment to manage assets at end-of-use.

HPE GreenLake is our consumption-based portfolio that delivers IT outcomes with the right mix of hardware, software, and expertise. A customer’s needs are metered and monitored, providing insights, often for the first time, that can lead to significant resource and energy efficiencies by avoiding overprovisioning and optimizing the IT refresh cycle. These offerings enable customers to bring existing equipment to the highest levels of utilization and to eliminate idling equipment that drains energy and resources, yielding both environmental and financial savings.

A force for good

Delivering our entire portfolio as-a-service is just one way HPE is helping our customers accelerate business innovation. In these challenging times, it is more important than ever that we apply the innovation engine of HPE to advance the way people live and work. Our latest Living Progress Report highlights a few ways we are already applying our technology and expertise as a force for good by partnering with our customers. For example, HPE is:

  • Creating state-of-the-art energy efficiency attributes to supercomputing data centers, saving about 25,000 metric tons of carbon emissions and $10 million in energy costs annually

  • Applying technologies designed with Memory-Driven Computing principles to handle the massive genomic datasets need to develop more productive food crops

  • Protecting the healthcare industry from large cyberattacks that can incapacitate their IT function within a matter of hours.

HPE remains committed to our customers and the communities we serve. During these times, we will keep true to our core values and our purpose I remain confident in the power of our team members, our innovations, and our business to accelerate a sustainable future where people, planet, and profit align. I look forward to reporting on our progress in next year’s Living Progress Report.

Read the complete HPE Living Progress Report to find out more about how we are contributing to a more sustainable and equitable world.

The 2019 Living Progress Report does not contain information about the company’s approach to the global COVID-19 pandemic, which will be reported in 2020. Learn more about our COVID-19 response.

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