Transformer Model
What is a Transformer Model?

A transformer model is a type of neural network architecture designed for handling sequential data, such as text, but it can also be applied to other types of data. Unlike previous models like RNNs, transformers can process entire sequences simultaneously, making them faster and more efficient. In the realm of generative AI, transformers have revolutionized tasks such as text generation, translation, and summarization.

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  • Transformers vs RNNs
  • How do transformer models work?
  • How do transformer models work? - part 2
  • Partner with HPE
Transformers vs RNNs

What is the difference between transformers and RNNs?

The main differences between transformers and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) lie in their architectures, mechanisms for processing data, and their effectiveness in handling long-range dependencies in sequential data.

1. Sequential Processing vs. Parallel Processing

RNNs: Process input sequences one element at a time, using the output of the previous step to inform the next. This makes RNNs inherently sequential, meaning they can't easily parallelize computations.

Transformers: Use a mechanism called self-attention, which allows them to look at the entire sequence at once. This enables transformers to process different parts of the sequence in parallel, leading to much faster training times, especially for long sequences.

2. Handling Long-Range Dependencies

RNNs: Struggle with long-range dependencies due to the vanishing/exploding gradient problem. Information from earlier in the sequence can fade as it propagates through time, making it hard for RNNs to retain important context over long sequences.

Transformers: Use self-attention to compute the relationships between all words in the sequence simultaneously, which allows them to model long-range dependencies more effectively. The attention mechanism directly connects distant words without the need for step-by-step processing.

3. Architecture

RNNs: The architecture is recurrent, meaning the network has loops that maintain a "hidden state" that carries information from previous time steps. Variants like LSTMs (Long Short-Term Memory) and GRUs (Gated Recurrent Units) were developed to mitigate issues with traditional RNNs, but the sequential nature remains.

Transformers: Consist of layers of multi-head self-attention and feedforward neural networks, without any recurrent structure. There’s no concept of a hidden state being passed from one time step to the next, as the self-attention mechanism allows for direct connections between any two positions in the sequence.

4. Training Efficiency

RNNs: Since RNNs process data sequentially, they are generally slower to train. Parallelization is difficult because each time step depends on the previous one.

Transformers: Due to their parallel processing capabilities, transformers can be trained more efficiently, especially on modern hardware like GPUs and TPUs. They can handle large datasets and long sequences with greater computational efficiency.

5. Memory & Computational Complexity

RNNs: Have lower memory requirements since they process one time step at a time. However, their sequential nature limits their ability to handle very long sequences efficiently.

Transformers: Require significantly more memory, especially during training, because they store attention weights between all pairs of tokens. Their computational complexity grows quadratically with the sequence length due to the attention mechanism.

6. Use Cases

RNNs: Were traditionally used for tasks like speech recognition, language modeling, and time-series forecasting. LSTMs and GRUs were commonly employed for tasks requiring memory of long sequences.

Transformers: Dominant in tasks like natural language processing (NLP), machine translation, text generation, and many others. Models like BERT, GPT, and T5 are all based on the transformer architecture, which has set new performance benchmarks across a wide range of NLP tasks.

How do transformer models work?
How do transformer models work schema.
How do transformer models work schema.

How do transformer models work?

Transformers work by utilizing a combination of self-attention mechanisms, positional encoding, and feedforward networks. The architecture allows them to process sequential data efficiently and capture long-range dependencies between different parts of the input. Below is a detailed breakdown of how transformers work:

1. Input Embedding and Positional Encoding

Input Embeddings: In transformers, the input (such as a sequence of words in a sentence) is first converted into embeddings, which are fixed-size dense vectors. These embeddings represent the semantic meaning of the tokens (words or subwords).

Positional Encoding: Since the transformer architecture does not have a built-in mechanism to capture the order of the sequence (unlike RNNs), positional encodings are added to the input embeddings. These encodings inject information about the position of each token in the sequence. They are often sinusoidal functions or learned embeddings that vary across the positions.

This allows the model to understand the relative and absolute positions of tokens.

2. Self-Attention Mechanism

The self-attention mechanism is the core component of transformers. It allows the model to weigh the importance of each token in relation to every other token in the input sequence. For each token, self-attention determines which other tokens it should pay attention to.

How do transformer models work? - part 2
How do transformer models work 2nd schema.
How do transformer models work 2nd schema.

How do transformer models work?

How Self-Attention Works:

1. Input Transformation: For each token in the input sequence, the model computes three vectors: Query (Q), Key (K), and Value (V), all derived from the token embeddings. These vectors are learned through linear transformations.

  • Query (Q): Determines how much focus to place on other tokens.
  • Key (K): Represents the content of the other tokens to be focused on.
  • Value (V): Contains the information to be extracted or passed through the attention mechanism.

2. Attention Scores: The attention scores between tokens are computed as the dot product between the Query of one token and the Key of another. This measures how relevant or "attentive" one token should be to another.

The scores are scaled by the square root of the dimension of the key vector dkd_kdk to stabilize the gradients.

3. Weighted Sum: The attention scores are passed through a softmax function, turning them into probabilities that sum to 1. These scores are used to weight the Value vectors, producing a weighted sum that reflects the importance of each token relative to the others.

Multi-Head Attention:

Instead of using a single self-attention mechanism, the transformer uses multi-head attention. Multiple sets of Query, Key, and Value vectors are created (each set being an attention "head"), and each head attends to different aspects of the input. The results from all attention heads are concatenated and passed through a linear layer.

This allows the model to capture different types of relationships between tokens simultaneously.

3. Feedforward Neural Networks

After the self-attention mechanism, each token representation is passed through a feedforward neural network (FFN). This is typically a two-layer neural network with a ReLU activation function. The FFN is applied independently to each position, and the same set of weights is shared across all positions.


Copy code


\text{FFN}(x) = \text{ReLU}(xW_1 + b_1)W_2 + b_2


The FFN allows for further transformation of the token representations and introduces non-linearity, improving the model's expressiveness.

4. Residual Connections and Layer Normalization

To stabilize training and help with gradient flow, residual connections (also called skip connections) are used around both the self-attention and feedforward layers. This means that the input to each sublayer is added to the output of that sublayer before being passed on to the next.

Each residual connection is followed by layer normalization, which normalizes the output to reduce internal covariate shift and improve training stability.

5. Encoder and Decoder Architecture

The original transformer architecture consists of two main components: Encoder and Decoder. However, some models, like BERT, only use the encoder, while others, like GPT, only use the decoder.


The encoder is composed of multiple identical layers (typically 6-12). Each layer has two main components:

  • Multi-head self-attention
  • Feedforward neural network

The encoder receives the input sequence and processes it through each layer, generating an output that encodes the input tokens with context from other tokens in the sequence.


The decoder also consists of multiple identical layers, with an additional mechanism:

Masked multi-head self-attention: Prevents tokens from attending to future tokens in the sequence (important in autoregressive tasks like text generation).

The decoder also includes cross-attention layers that take the encoder's output as additional input to guide the generation process.

6. Output (For Language Models)

For tasks like language modeling or machine translation, the decoder produces an output sequence token by token. In the final layer, the output from the decoder is passed through a softmax function to generate probabilities over the vocabulary, allowing the model to predict the next token or generate translations.

7. Training Objectives

Masked Language Modeling (MLM): Used in models like BERT, where random tokens in the input sequence are masked, and the model is trained to predict them.

Causal Language Modeling (CLM): Used in models like GPT, where the model predicts the next token in the sequence based on the previous tokens.

Seq2Seq Objectives: Used in tasks like machine translation, where the model learns to map input sequences to output sequences (e.g., translating a sentence from English to French).

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What is the difference between transformers and RNNs?

RNNs (incl. LSTMs, GRUs)

Processing Method



Handling Long Sequences

Struggles with long-range dependencies

Excels due to self-attention


Recurrent, hidden states

Multi-head self-attention

Training Efficiency

Slow, harder to parallelize

Faster, highly parallelizable

Memory Efficiency

Lower memory requirements

High memory usage

Common Applications

Time series, early NLP tasks

NLP, translation, text generation, etc.

Summary of transformer components:


Input Embeddings

Converts tokens into fixed-size vectors.

Positional Encoding

Adds information about token positions in the sequence.


Computes attention scores between all tokens to capture dependencies.

Multi-Head Attention

Uses multiple attention heads to capture different relationships

Feedforward Neural Network

Applies non-linear transformations to token representations.

Residual Connections

Helps stabilize training and improves gradient flow.


Processes the input sequence and generates contextual representations.

Different types of transformers:

What are the different types of transformers?

These transformer models are widely adopted across industries for commercial applications, including customer service, content generation, translation, virtual assistants, recommendation systems, and more.

Model Type
Notable Models
Key Features




Focused on understanding text (classification, NER, etc.)

NLP tasks requiring text understanding


GPT (1, 2, 3, 4), CTRL, OPT

Optimized for generative tasks (text generation, dialogue)

Text generation, conversational AI


T5, BART, mT5, Pegasus

Combines understanding and generation (machine translation, summarization)

Summarization, translation, question answering



Handles multiple data types (text + image)

Image generation, visual-text tasks

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