StoreOnce Systems

Are you looking for the efficiency of deduplicating secondary storage without the constraints of a purpose built appliance?

If so, the HPE StoreOnce VSA meets your needs with the flexibility of a virtual appliance. You get all the features and data protection software compatibility of the purpose built StoreOnce Systems in software defined secondary storage. In addition, the portability and availability features of vSphere and Hyper-V provide added flexibility and resiliency. Up to 500 TB of usable capacity can be configured in 1 TB increments. A license server simplifies license management for large or dynamic StoreOnce VSA deployments. Intelligent Federated Management further simplifies operations with multiple StoreOnce VSA instances managed through a single console. StoreOnce replication and Cloud Bank Storage enable backup data to be moved offsite for added protection and to low cost object storage services for low cost, long term retention.

What's new

  • StoreOnce VSA 4.2 adds further support for deployment in high availability VMware environments.
  • VSA 4.2 enables automated VSA failover from a failed to a standby host when using IP and FC data connections. This limits the risk of unavailability, due to host failure, to minutes.
  • A new virtual appliance, the StoreOnce High Availability Manager, makes it simple to manage StoreOnce VSAs in high availability configurations.


Software Defined Backup Storage of up to 500 TB with HPE StoreOnce VSA

This is a 10x increase on previous generation StoreOnce VSA enabling not just more capcity but more performance, more streams, more replication sources and more stores.

A StoreOnce VSA can be configured with just 4 TB of capacity and grow to 500 TB in increments of 1 TB with no price penalty for growing as more backup storage is required.

Other virtual appliances for deduplicating backup storage are available but none offer 500 TB capacity; in fact StoreOnce VSA can be 5x larger than the next largest virtual deduplicating appliance.

Flexible Performance and Capacity Configuration

Flexible capacity addition with new capacity added in 1 TB increments or any multiple of 1 TB. Licenses added directly to the VSA instance or from a HPE StoreOnce VSA License Server.

Software defined performance with resources allocated to scale throughput, capacity, streams and number of backup targets as required to meet backup windows and restore SLAs.

Use multiple VSAs to define different performance backup targets e.g. large capacity, slower performance VSA or smaller capacity, high performance VSA to meet more demanding backup windows.

Choice of Hypervisor and Evaluation Options

Run HPE StoreOnce VSA on VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V* or both with a single console to manage VSAs on both hypervisors.

Note: Hyper-V support is not currently supported with VSA version 4.2 code

Evaluate all the HPE StoreOnce VSA features with trialware that enables up to 90 days usage. Purchase a license to continue usage with all configurations maintained. See

StoreOnce VSA 1 TB freeware to support extended evaluation and non-critical, self-supported product use that can be easily upgraded to add HPE Support, Cloud Bank Storage, encryption and up to 500 TB capacity. See

Centralized HPE StoreOnce VSA License Management for Large and Dynamic Deployments

For dynamic or large StoreOnce VSA installations, license management can be time consuming; the StoreOnce VSA License Server saves time by centralizing license management. Licenses are added to the AutoPass License Server to create a pool of capacity which is allocated as needed to connected VSAs.

The AutoPass License Server allows licenses from decommissioned StoreOnce VSAs to be returned to the license server and recycled for use on new StoreOnce VSAs to reduce licensing costs.

Combined with StoreOnce Federated Management the StoreOnce VSA License Server allows single console management of large StoreOnce VSA deployments.