220VAC 1100 and 1300 Watt Power Supplies

CS500 110-220V 1100W and 1300W power supply modules.

CS500 model 1211 service nodes use either two 1100W or two 1300W power supplies (PSUs) in a 1+1 redundant power configuration.

Figure: 1100W and 1300W Power Supply Modules - CS500
1100W and 1300W power supplies require 110-220VAC facility power and include a single two-color status LED:
Table 1. 1100W and 1300W Power Supply Status LED
LED StatePower Supply Condition
OFF OffNo AC power to all power supplies
Green Solid Green solidPower On and OK
Green Blinking 1 HZ Green blinking 1HzAC present, only 12 VSB on (PS off) or PS in cold redundant state
Green Blinking G 2HZ Green blinking 2HzPower supply firmware updating
Amber Solid Amber solidAC cord unplugged or AC power lost, with a second power supply in parallel still with AC input power
Amber Solid Amber solidPower supply critical event causing a shutdown, failure, OCP, OVP, Fan Fail
Amber Blinking 1Hz Amber blinking 1HzPower supply warning events where the power supply continues to operate; high temp, high power, high current, slow fan